Canadian Mass Stabbing Suspect Damien Sanderson Found Dead, Police Say He Was Likely Not Involved in Spree

Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police have changed their view of the mass stabbing spree in and near Saskatchewan’s James Smith Cree Nation that has now killed 11 and left 19 injured, including the suspects.

Saskatchewan RCMP found the body of suspect Damien Sanderson, 31, outside a house in the area with “visible injuries … not believed to be self-inflicted” and no longer believe he was involved in the homicides, Assistant Commissioner Rhonda Blackmore said.

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New Hampshire Community in Turmoil as Political Activist LGBTQ Organization Scheduled to Conduct Teacher Training

The firestorm in New Hampshire School Administrative Unit (SAU) 21 is continuing over a scheduled teacher training September 13 by political activist LGBTQ organization Seacoast Outright, which also stands with Black Lives Matter.

“In SAU21, the upcoming teacher training on September 13th has caused political factions to argue against each other,” wrote education researcher and parental rights advocate Ann Marie Banfield at Granite Grok Friday.

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Leftist Author Jon Meacham Named to Board of University of Tennessee’s Institute for American Civics

Author and former MSNBC contributor Jon Meacham was named to the Board of Fellows of the University of Tennessee’s newly established Institute for American Civics last week by University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd.

German-owned Politico reported that Meacham helped President Joe Biden “frame” his now infamously divisive “speech from hell” delivered in Philadelphia last week in which he attacked the 74 million Americans who voted for former President Donald Trump as a “threat to American democracy.”

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‘TikTok Channel for Cosmic Gendersmurfs’: Science Journals Bow to Woke Orthodoxy, Provoke Ridicule

Before “The Science” became the default invocation in response to criticisms of COVID-19 policies, scientific journals, academic departments and faculty sought to unshackle the discipline from its purported white male heterosexist biases.

With COVID mitigations receding from American public life, the earlier ideological battles in science are are now reemerging.

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Report: Vanderbilt University Professor Jon Meacham Helped Write Biden’s Anti-MAGA Speech

According to a weekend story in German-owned Politico, one of the men behind President Joe Biden’s divisive Thursday night speech is a Vanderbilt professor who has long been mired in controversy for his far-left political leanings.

“The actual writing of the speech started about three weeks ago, with Jon Meacham, the historian who has had a hand in a number of Biden’s most sweeping speeches, helping the framing,” according to Politico.

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: Here Come the Bad Old Days

There is no end of history. Instead, civilization is a constant fight to embrace what has worked for the common good through the ages – and to reject what in the past has failed abysmally.

Bad and bankrupt ideas, protocols, and ideologies – like McCarthyism, communism, various cults, or fascism – resurface not because of their intrinsic or lasting value or record of success, but because civilizations become less vigilant and allow human vanities, ignorance, arrogance, and evil to reassert themselves.

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Biden Faces More Heckling as He Refines Attack on ‘MAGA Republicans’ as ‘Threat to Democracy’

President Biden faced his second heckling in a public speech in less than a week as he continues to hammer “MAGA Republicans” as an existential threat to America.

“God love ya,” the president responded to the heckler at his Labor Day speech in Milwaukee. “Let him go,” Biden told supporters who were booing the heckler. “Look, everybody’s entitled to be an idiot,” he said, drawing cheers from the crowd.

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Federal Government Gives Wuhan-Linked Organization $1 Million to ‘Prevent Future Pandemics’

The federal government has awarded a controversial nonprofit a $1 million grant for research to help prevent future viral pandemics, an award that comes after more than two years of suspicions that the nonprofit in question may have been bankrolling certain types of highly dangerous coronavirus experiments in the city where the COVID-19 pandemic began.

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Federal Judge Hands Trump Win, Orders Special Master to Review Evidence Seized from Mar-a-Lago

A federal judge on Monday handed Donald Trump a significant win, ordering a special master to review evidence seized by the FBI during its raid of the former president’s Florida estate last month.

U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon said the independent master can “review the seized property, manage assertions of privilege and make recommendations thereon, and evaluate claims for return of property.”

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Ron Johnson: We Need Whistleblowers in Order to Stop Federal Bureaucrats from Meddling in Another Election

Federal bureaucrats meddled in the last two presidential elections by promoting false Russia collusion claims and suppressing the Hunter Biden story, and more whistleblowers are needed to keep that from happening again in 2024, says Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.).

“I think that started in 2016 when they tried to meddle in the election, and they did meddle in that election,” Johnson told Just the News in a wide-ranging interview. “They tried to get Hillary Clinton elected, and they failed. But in 2020, they succeeded by downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop by censoring, by suppressing that.”

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The Morning Ritual with Garret Lewis: Kari Lake on ‘Soul of the Nation’ Speech,” Grassroots Politicians’ ‘Existential Threat’ to Dems’ Agenda

Friday morning on The Morning Ritual with Garret Lewis, host Lewis welcomed GOP nominee for Governor of Arizona, Kari Lake to the show to comment upon Joe Biden’s Soul of the Nation prime time speech.

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Truss Tapped to Be Britain’s Next Prime Minister, Draws Comparisons to Margaret Thatcher

Liz Truss, a hawkish diplomat who has drawn comparisons to Margaret Thatcher, was chosen Monday by the Britain’s Conservative Party to be the country’s next prime minister.

Truss, 47, defeated Rishi Sunak, a former chancellor of the Exchequer, in the race to succeed the scandal-tarred Boris Johnson. She captured 57% percent of the vote and will assume office Tuesday when installed by Queen Elizabeth II.

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