María Corina Machado Urges the Regime to Hand Over Evidence of Its Alleged Election Results

Machado urged those in attendance to “civilly defend the victory of Edmundo González Urrutia” in the July 28 elections, in which the regime committed the worst fraud in the history of the South American country to remain in power for a third term.

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Online Network Run by Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Promotes Prostitution, Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

A Telegram channel used by Chinese nationals to illegally immigrate to the U.S. also appears to be aiding and abetting prostitution and sex trafficking, a months-long Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.

The “American Self-Guided Tour Channel” on Telegram is one of several that facilitates Chinese illegal immigration into the U.S., serving as a hub for documents detailing things like border wall gaps and scripts for obtaining asylum, the DCNF recently reported. The 8,000-member channel is controlled by a self-proclaimed Chinese “cyber police” agent, who regularly bans accounts critical of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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‘We Can Prove It’ Venezuelan Opposition Declares Victory with More than 6 Million Vote Lead

Opposition leader María Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia said this Monday in a press conference that the coalition obtained a “categorical and mathematically irreversible victory,” after having had access to more than 70% of the minutes of Sunday’s presidential vote.

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The UK’s High Court Upholds Ban on Puberty Blockers

In a seismic ruling Monday, the UK High Court upheld the British government’s ban on puberty blockers, citing a study that found “very substantial risks and very narrow benefits” of early puberty suppression.

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U.S. and World Leaders Express ‘Serious Concerns’ About Venezuelan Election Results as Both Sides Declare Victory

Both Venezuela’s opposition coalition and communist dictator Nicolás Maduro declared victory in Sunday’s presidential election, setting the stage for a potential showdown in the South American country, according to widespread news reports.

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Migrants in Caravan Head to U.S. Border Using CBP One App Fearing Trump will Close Border If He Wins

Migrant caravan

A new caravan of migrants is heading to the U.S. border on foot using the U.S. government-issued CBP One smartphone app, which some of them worry 2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump would end if he wins a second term and closes the border.

The caravan left from southern Mexico.

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ICE Conducts Sweeping Raid in Florida of Criminal Aliens Released into U.S. Under Non-Detention Program

ICE Agents conducting a raid

Federal immigration authorities in Florida last week apprehended more than a dozen illegal migrants who were convicted or charged of crimes while in a program that allowed them to live freely in the U.S. despite crossing the border illegally.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested 18 illegal migrants in a week-long raid referred to as “Operation Drumbeat,” according to a press release from the agency. The operation, which was done in conjunction with Border Patrol agents, apprehended noncitizens charged or convicted of a slate of heinous crimes, such as child abuse, extortion, assault, burglary and other offenses.

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HHS Whistleblower Says She Was Retaliated Against for Reporting Gangs Who Sponsor Migrant Children

Tara Rodas

Health and Human Services whistleblower Tara Rodas says she faced retaliation from the department after she reported concerns that unaccompanied immigrant children were being placed in the hands of sponsors who were affiliated with the notorious Salvadorian MS-13 gang.

“Interestingly, when I discovered that there was MS-13 actually sponsoring the children…. this began when a DHS whistleblower came forward and then alerted us that MS-13 and 18th Street gangs were getting the children, it only took them less than three weeks if you can imagine, to walk me off the site under threat of investigation,” Rodas said on the Wednesday edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “That’s what happened to me.”

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Newest Soros Money Network Plan Imposes ‘Green Colonialism’ on Developing Nations, Experts Say

Family Farm in Africa

A Soros-run nonprofit’s plan to pump hundreds of millions of dollars into third-world climate programs reeks of “green colonialism,” experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Open Society Foundations (OSF) will commit $400 million over eight years to support green industrial policies for a group of developing nations dubbed the “global south,” according to a July 16 press release. The new funding is the latest in a long line of initiatives from left-wing billionaire George Soros that pressure developing countries into aligning with the organization’s green agenda, which ultimately harms locals in pursuit of its climate goals, experts told the DCNF.

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Biden’s Acting ICE Chief: Some ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Are Getting Sick of Releasing Criminal Illegal Migrants

ICE Acting Director P.J. Lechleitner

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director P.J. Lechleitner said in an interview that some cities are regretting releasing detained migrant criminals and seeking to change “sanctuary” policies, according to NBC News.

Many left-leaning cities and counties have avoided working with ICE in recent years, at times leading to the releasing illegal migrants who are charged with violent crimes, NBC News reported. However, Lecheitner stated that some blue cities are looking to change course.

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New Panama President Following Through on Pledge to Cut Illegal Migration to U.S.

Panama President

The Panamanian government is touting progress on efforts to reduce illegal migration through the Darien Gap, a dense jungle region that has long served as a gateway point for South American migrants making their way to the United States.

The National Border Service, Panama’s version of the U.S. Border Patrol, reported that 11,363 migrants had crossed into the country from Colombia since July 1, when President Jose Raul Mulino first entered office, according to The Associated Press. That number marks roughly 9,000 fewer crossings compared to the same time period last year.

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Censorship Noose Tightens Across West with Biden White House, Trudeau’s Canada, EU Bureaucrat Moves

Joe Biden

When the Supreme Court reversed a preliminary injunction against several federal agencies and officials for “coerc[ing] or significantly encourag[ing] a platform’s content-moderation decisions,” the ideologically hybrid majority concluded that well-documented federal pressure to censor government-disfavored narratives was unlikely to recur.

Justice Samuel Alito, joined by justices Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas, scolded his colleagues for their perceived credulity. The high court just provided “an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think,” he wrote.

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Benjamin Netanyahu Quietly Working to Win Trump over Ahead of Presidential Elections After Falling Out in 2020

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his team are working behind closed doors to win over former President Donald Trump’s approval after the two world leaders had a falling out in 2020, Axios reported on Tuesday.

Netanyahu called President Joe Biden in 2020 following the year’s election and congratulated him on his win, which Trump viewed as an insult and prompted him to stop speaking to the Israeli leader. As Trump’s chance for a win in 2024 increases, Netanyahu’s team is attempting to win Trump’s favor back — but it hasn’t been easy, people in Netanyhu’s orbit told Axios.

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‘Headed For Obsolescence’: Chinese Automakers Could Be Poised to Wipe Out American Car Titans

BYD Chinese electric vehicle

American automakers will need to make major changes to their businesses if they want to remain competitive with Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) poised to flood the global market, according to analysis published by auto industry consultants.

U.S. manufacturers currently do tens of billions of dollars of business abroad, but Chinese competitors are poised to take over approximately one-third of the global market share by 2030 with particularly strong growth in Europe, South America and Asia driven by EVs and plug-in hybrids, AlixPartners projects in its report.

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New Federal Rule Implemented to Protect Military Bases from Foreign Land Purchases

Camp Blaz

The United States Treasury Department is enacting a new federal rule that aims to combat the rise in foreign entities strategically purchasing American land in close proximity to military bases.

According to Fox News, the new regulation will utilize a law passed in 2018 to expand the ability of the Treasury’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to analyze the consequences of foreign purchases of real estate, in order to possibly exert control over such transactions or asset transfers.

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Shelters at Mexico’s Southern Border Overwhelmed as Migrant Housing Costs Triple Amid National Inflation

Mexico Migrant Shelter

Inflation and increased migratory flow are causing the cost of housing migrantsat Mexico’s southern border to triple, according to a calculation by theTapachula branch of the National Chamber of Commerce for Services and Tourism (CANACO) and reported by the EFE Spanish language News Agency on Wednesday.

CANACO are local chambers of commerce in Mexico that are represented on a national level by the National Confederation of the Chambers of Commerce, which reports concerns to the Mexican federal government.

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Whistleblowers Detail Harrowing Failure to Protect Migrant Children Pouring into U.S. Under Biden

Whistleblower Deborah White was a perfect candidate when the government in 2021 made an emergency appeal for federal agencies to provide temporary help to process thousands of migrant children who began crossing the southern border without parents at the beginning of the Biden administration’s border crisis.

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Biden Admin ‘Strongly’ Opposed to Bill Cracking Down on Illegal Immigrants Voting

Illegal Migrants

The Biden administration came out swinging against a bill that seeks to strengthen current law allowing only American citizens to participate in federal elections.

The White House said it “strongly opposes” the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act in a formal statement released Monday. The White House statement ripped the GOP-led bill for allegedly being based on “easily disproven falsehoods” and claimed that laws are already in place to prevent noncitizens from voting in federal elections.

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House to Expose TSA’s Airport Fiasco with Cuban Agents as Latino Vote up for Grabs

Carlos Gimenez

A House subcommittee is exposing the Transportation Security Administration’s decision to let Cuban agents visit a U.S. airport and tour agency facilities, a potentially embarrassing episode for the Biden administration as polls show Latino voters are up for grabs in the 2024 election.

Rep. Carlos Giminez, R-Fla., the chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, has scheduled a hearing Wednesday titled “Protecting the Homeland – Examining TSA’s Relationships with U.S. Adversaries” that will focus heavily on the episode a few weeks ago at the Miami airport that has drawn widespread condemnation, particularly in the Cuban ex-pat community in America.

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Oklahoma Becomes Latest State in Court over Illegal Immigration, Arguing It’s a State Issue

Oklahoma Atty Gen. Gentner Drummond

Oklahoma is the most recent state facing a legal battle with the Biden administration on the issue of illegal immigration, with a federal judge blocking legislation that would make entering the country illegally a state crime. 

Oklahoma’s House Bill 4156 makes it a crime to be in Oklahoma without legal status. The legislation was signed into law on April 30, but was blocked by a federal judge in June after the Biden administration filed a lawsuit against the state. 

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Four Years Later, CDC Documents on COVID-19’s Origin in China Emerge as Oversight Wanes

Newly released documents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal early evidence and analysis four years ago in which U.S. government officials indicated that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China.

These findings in the CDC documents obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, dating from about six months after the disease’s initial outbreak, are coming to light only now because of the government’s repeated delays in releasing relevant documents through the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

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Panama Closes Three Darien Crossings on the Border with Colombia

Darien River, Panama

Panama has closed at least three of the crossing points used by migrants to cross the Darien River, which marks the border with Colombia, with a “perimeter barrier” in order to “channel” the flow of migrants and exercise greater control over this irregular route used by hundreds of people every day on their way to North America, Panamanian authorities reported on Wednesday.

Panama’s National Border Service (Senafront) said in a statement to which EFE had access that “measures were taken to control the massive irregular migration that the Panamanian State faces” in order to “channel irregular migration” to Bajo Chiquito, the first town that migrants reach after crossing the Darien jungle on foot for days.

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Arkansas Files Lawsuit Alleging Chinese E-Commerce App Temu Is Illegally Gathering Personal Data

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has filed a lawsuit alleging the Chinese e-commerce app Temu is “malware” that is illegally obtaining personal data from consumers.

Griffin referred to Temu as a “data theft” business in a press release put out recently.

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‘There Is Always a Way’: Black Market Network Evading Biden Admin Sanctions to Deliver High-Tech Chips to China

High tech computer processing chip

A black market network is evading Biden administration sanctions and delivering high-tech chips to China, according to a Wall Street Journal investigation released Wednesday.

Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) chip systems are highly prized by China in the country’s ongoing race to rival the American technology industry, and the Biden administration has imposed sanctions and export controls to prevent Beijing from getting its hands on them. Chinese companies and organizations are still obtaining these chips — specifically Nvidia AI chips — through a black market network made up of buyers and sellers spanning multiple countries, according to a WSJ investigation of records of the distributors involved.

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ICE Nabs Illegal Migrant Wanted on Child Rape Charges After He Was Released into U.S. Years Earlier

ICE law enforcement officers arresting an illegal migrant

Federal immigration authorities arrested an illegal migrant wanted in his home country on child rape charges and hiding out in the United States.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents apprehended a Ecuadorian national, who remains unidentified, in western Massachusetts last month, the agency announced on Tuesday. The individual entered the U.S. unlawfully in 2021 and is wanted in his home country for allegedly raping a child.

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Biden Administration Deliberately Flying Previously-Deported Illegal Aliens Back into the U.S.

Immigrants on a Plane

A new report claims that the Biden Administration has deliberately been flying illegal aliens into the United States after they had already been deported during the Trump Administration.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, internal memos and interviews with staff at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) suggest that the Biden Administration has been running a secret program to fly previously-deported Cameroonians back into the country, after their asylum claims were previously denied.

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White House Signs Deal with Panama to Crack Down On Major Illegal Immigration Route to U.S.

Panama's president-elect, José Raúl Mulino

The Biden administration on Monday inked a deal with the Panamanian government to help stop illegal migration along the Darien Gap, a sign that the country’s new president is following through on a major campaign promise.

The White House announced a Memorandum of Understanding with Panama, an initiative that will deploy American screening officers to assist their government deport migrants who cross the Darien Gap, a vast jungle region between Panama and Colombia that hundreds of thousands of migrants trek across every year en route to the U.S. The announcement followed a pledge by then-presidential candidate Jose Raul Mulino to close Panama off to illegal immigration.

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China Expands Its Surveillance Capabilities in America’s Backyard, Report Finds

Xi Jinping

China’s surveillance efforts off the coast of America’s shores are expanding, according to a new report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on Monday.

China has been closely collaborating with Cuba — located just about 200 miles off the coast of Florida — to expand its military and intelligence presence on the island since at least 2019. Satellite imagery reviewed by CSIS appears to show that Cuba is building on its existing infrastructure in the region and now has multiple signal intelligence (SIGINT) facilities on the island, furthering concerns that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is attempting surveillance efforts inside the U.S., according to The Wall Street Journal.

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Commentary: Stop the Ukrainian Meatgrinder

Ukrainian Soldiers fighting

Nearly eleven months ago, in August 2023, the New York Times reported that U.S. officials had estimated that some 500,000 Russians and Ukrainians had been killed, wounded, or missing in the then 18-month Ukrainian War.

Both Russia and Ukraine underreport their losses. Hundreds of thousands of additional casualties have followed in the 28 months of fighting.

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Pentagon Says $62 Million in Ukraine Weapons Aid Was ‘Lost or Destroyed’ — But It Doesn’t Know Which

Ukraine Weapons

The Pentagon doesn’t know whether $62 million in missing U.S. weapons aid to Ukraine has been lost or destroyed, according to a new report released on Wednesday.

The $62 million in weapons were designated for end-use monitoring (EEUM), but problems in reporting and tracking between U.S. and Ukrainian forces left an information gap as to what equipment may have been destroyed, lost or diverted through November 2023, according to a Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General report (OIG) report. The Pentagon has had consistent problems tracking U.S. aid to Ukraine since the country’s war with Russia began in 2022.

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Bans on Foreign Funding for Ballot Measures Gain Momentum in Congress, States

Congress Spending

Opponents of foreign funding of U.S. ballot measures expect momentum at both the federal level and in states.

In May, the House Administration Committee advanced a bill to amend federal election law to prevent foreign nationals from contributing to ballot initiatives by closing a loophole, since federal law and most state laws prohibit foreign contributions to candidates. The bill, with bipartisan support, is headed to the House floor for a vote.

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Illegal Crossings at Northern Border Spikes over 1,000 Percent Under Biden

People crossing the U.S. Northern border

The Biden administration has overseen an enormous increase of illegal migrant crossings along the U.S.-Canada border over the past four years.

There have so far been 12,859 illegal migrant crossings along the northern border in fiscal year 2024, with several months still left to go, according to the latest data provided by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Despite only eight months of data available, the number of illegal border crossings this fiscal year have already surpassed all other years of President Joe Biden’s tenure, and represent a marked increase from his first year in office.

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Illegal Immigration a Top 2024 Election Issue with Immigrant Crime Map, Poll Shows Problem

Illegal Immigrants Arrested

Illegal immigration is one of the most important problems for Americans, and a new “Illegal Alien Crime” map as well as a poll about language surrounding the issue highlights the significance of the border crisis in the minds of voters ahead of the 2024 election.

Polling from Gallup shows that U.S. adults have consistently ranked immigration as a top issue every month since at least November 2023. The polls come as the Biden administration has overseen record numbers of illegal immigrant encounters.

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Pentagon Doesn’t Know If It Funds Dangerous Biological Research in China, New Audit Reveals

Medical research lab

Despite years of warnings that China operates an illicit biological weapons program, the U.S. military remains unable to determine whether it sends American tax dollars to Beijing for research that could make pathogens more dangerous or deadly, the Pentagon’s chief watchdog declared in a stunning new warning to policymakers.

“The DoD did not track funding at the level of detail necessary to determine whether the DoD provided funding to Chinese research laboratories or other foreign countries for research related to enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential,” the Pentagon inspector general concluded in a report released this month.

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Commentary: With His Amnesty Order, President Biden Is Making Illegal Immigration, Legal


That is the estimated number of illegal aliens who will receive amnesty under President Biden’s latest executive action, which will make many of the migrants eligible for green cards, work permits, and a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

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In First Five Years, 79,000 of DACA Recipients Admitted to U.S. Had Arrest Records

DACA Rally

Within five years of a new program created to prevent deportation of minors brought into the country illegally by their parents, nearly 80,000 were released into the U.S. with arrest records. The majority were between the ages of 19 and 22 when they were arrested, according to the latest available data published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced he was expanding deportation protections and job opportunities for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by executive order by former president Barack Obama in 2012.

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Five Illegal Immigrants Charged with Kidnapping 14-Year-Old Girl in American Heartland

Illegal Immigrants

All five men charged with kidnapping a teenage girl are living in the United States illegally, according to local law enforcement officials.

Five men were arrested early Monday morning in northeast Missouri after a 14-year-old Indiana girl was reported missing from her home, according to Fox 4, a Missouri-based outlet. The men — all of them Honduran or Mexican nationals and living in the U.S. illegally — were taken into custody and charged with kidnapping and endangering the welfare of a child.

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Ecuador will Ask Chinese Citizens for Visas Due to an Increase in Illegal Migration

The government of Ecuador will begin requiring visas from Chinese citizens as of July 1, 2024, in response to the significant increase in irregular migration flows of citizens of this country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility declared that large groups of Chinese citizens have been detected who have not left the country within the 90 days of entry allowed or who use Ecuador as a starting point to reach other destinations in the hemisphere, especially To united states.

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Foreign Aid and Student Loan Forgiveness Behind Massive Increase in Deficit Estimate, Congressional Budget Office Says

Joe Biden

America’s debt is growing faster than previously expected, largely due to actions taken by the Biden administration and recent legislation, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The United States’ projected deficit is $1.9 trillion for the 2024 fiscal year, $400 billion higher than it was projected to be in February, the CBO announced Tuesday. CBO analysts increased their estimate due in large part to the foreign aid package signed by President Joe Biden in April and his administration’s efforts to reduce student loan balances.

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Commentary: Stumbling into Nuclear War

Ukraine and Russia leaders

In a story that deserves more attention, Ukraine recently attacked a Russian early warning radar facility designed to detect nuclear attacks. This insane action conferred no military advantage on Ukraine—the station monitored potential launches in the Middle East—but it carried with it the risk of igniting a nuclear war. From the perspective of the country being attacked, the only reason to attack an early warning system would be to blind one’s enemy as a prelude to a nuclear attack.

Nuclear war is the most dangerous game. It means the end of civilization. If this horror show ever comes to pass, it is likely more than half of the people on our planet will die. Many console themselves that they’ll die instantly and that most of the consequences will borne by others, but no one can be sure.

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Experts Warn that Democrats Are Keeping the Southern Border Insecure for Political Gain

SEAC at Southern Border

Republicans and several border patrol experts say that President Joe Biden’s open border policies are politically motivated and are an attempt to get more voters for the 2024 election.

“It’s part of what the Democrats want,” Congressman Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said on a joint AMAC and Just the News Special aired on Real America’s Voice. “The hard left that controls the Democratic Party today is okay with rigging elections. That’s one more way to rig an election.”

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Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US

A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the U.S. and evade border authorities, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.

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Democrat-Run Sanctuary City Quietly Sending Illegal Immigrants to Red State

Denver Skyline

The self-described sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado is quietly paying for illegal immigrants to travel to Utah, according to Republican Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox.

Without the approval or advance knowledge of local officials, Denver has been paying for migrants to relocate to other places, including Utah, where approximately 2,000 have been sent, 2KUTV News reported Thursday. Cox said Friday the practice is “unacceptable” and a result of the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

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Biden Keeps Digging U.S. Deeper And Deeper Into Ukraine-Sized Hole

Presiden Joe Biden with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President Joe Biden struck a major agreement with Ukraine this week that builds on his administration’s push to involve the U.S. in the nation’s security, further expanding Washington’s commitments to Kyiv.

Biden attended the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy this week and signed a deal with Ukraine, which includes a 10-year commitment to Ukraine’s defenses and fast-track its eventual accession to NATO. The deal underscores Biden’s growing number of commitments and promises to Kyiv, including loosening weapons restrictions and providing billions in aid, as the U.S. becomes more involved in the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.

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Illegal Immigrant Charged with Rape and Murder of Maryland Mother of Five

Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez

An illegal immigrant from El Salvador was charged in connection to the murder of Maryland mother of five Rachel Morin, police announced.

The illegal immigrant, Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, 23, was arrested Friday evening in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for a crime spree that he started in El Salvador and continued in multiple cities across the United States, police said Saturday.

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ICE Nabs Five Illegal Immigrants Wanted for Murder in Statewide Sweep

ICE Officer

Federal immigration authorities announced a slate of recent arrests that took five illegal immigrants wanted for murder out of American communities.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested three Mexican nationals and two Honduran nationals over a two-week time period in late May and early June in Texas, the agency announced. Among those apprehended by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations agents include: a 38-year-old Honduran wanted in Mexico for multiple murders; a 21-year-old Mexican wanted in Veracruz, Mexico, for homicide; a 42-year-old Honduran wanted in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina for homicide; a 41-year-old previously deported Mexican wanted in Durango, Mexico, for homicide; and a 40-year-old Mexican wanted in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, for homicide.

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