City of Tallahassee Passes Pro-Abortion Resolution


In Florida’s state capital, the Tallahassee City Commission passed a resolution urging the Florida Legislature to protect abortion policy and access to abortion. The resolution was passed 3-2 with Mayor John Dailey and Commissioners Jeremy Matlow and Jack Porter voting in the affirmative.

Commissioners Curtis Richardson and Dianne Williams-Cox did not support the resolution because they did not feel the city had the authority to request action from lawmakers.

The resolution recognizes the mayor’s and city commissioners’ support for abortion as a constitutional, and fundamental human right.

“WHEREAS, abortion is a constitutional right and remains legal in all 50 states; and

WHEREAS, access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including abortion, contraception, prenatal care, labor and delivery services, and postpartum care, are necessary for people’s overall health, and healthcare is a fundamental human right; and”

The resolution continued by saying the city urges Florida’s lawmakers to uphold “access to reproductive healthcare.”

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Commissioners urge the Florida Legislature to join other states in protecting and promoting access to reproductive healthcare and the fundamental right to abortion by doing the following: (1) promoting preventive healthcare services for all; (2) ensuring that every individual has access to comprehensive, affordable healthcare that includes pregnancy-related care, including prenatal care, miscarriage management, family planning services, abortion care, labor and delivery services, and postnatal care; and (3) improving access to reproductive healthcare…”

The city’s resolution comes after talks began developing around Florida lawmakers’ desire to take up legislation in the upcoming session that would be similar, in nature, to the Texas-style abortion ban. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he could see himself supporting a “heartbeat bill” and that he was “going to look more significantly at it.”

The two commissioners who voted against the resolution wanted to ensure they were supportive of abortion access.

“I would challenge anyone to say I am evil or banished to hell for saying that is a choice between my wife and me,” Richardson said. “When I go through the pearly gates, I have no doubt God will tell me, ‘Hello, my good and faithful servant.’”

Williams-Cox simply expressed her sentiment by saying “In my opinion, we are out of our lane.”

The news of the resolution’s passing got the stamp of approval from one progressive lawmaker, State Rep. Anna Eskamani (D-FL-47).

@CityofTLH just passed a resolution supporting reproductive justice & opposing political efforts to strip bodily autonomy away from their residents — thank you @JeremyMatlowTLH, @VoteJackPorter, and @JohnDaileyTLH for your support & leadership on this. Onward!” Eskamani said.

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Grant Holcomb is a reporter at The Florida Capital Star and The Star News Network. Follow Grant on Twitter and direct message tips.
Photo “Mayor John Dailey and Commissioners Jeremy Matlow and Jack Porter” by Background Photo “Tallahassee City Hall” by Urbantallahassee. CC BY-SA 3.0.





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