Florida Supreme Court Approves Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Request for Investigation Into COVID Shot Injuries

The Florida Supreme Court approved Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) request to impanel a grand jury to review evidence regarding COVID shot injuries and misconduct in his state.

On Thursday, the state Supreme Court issued the following order:

  1. A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date of impanelment, with jurisdiction throughout the State of Florida, to investigate crime, return indictments, make presentments, and otherwise perform all functions of a grand jury with regard to the offenses stated herein. 2. The statewide grand jury shall be drawn from the certified jury lists submitted by the chief judges of the Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Judicial Circuits. 3. The Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta, Chief Judge in and for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, is designated as presiding judge over the statewide grand jury. In his capacity as the presiding judge, the Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta shall maintain judicial supervision of the statewide grand jury, and all indictments, presentments, and formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be returned to the presiding judge. The presiding judge may designate an alternate presiding judge in the event of calendar conflicts or otherwise and to assist in the administrative process of the statewide grand jury. 4. John A. Tomasino, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida, is hereby designated clerk of this statewide grand jury and is empowered to deputize any clerk of a circuit court or any deputy clerk of a circuit court to issue necessary process and to carry out the administrative functions of the statewide grand jury.

The governor had petitioned the court last week to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate “any and all wrongdoing” associated with the mRNA COVID shots to assure those who engaged in misconduct are held accountable.

DeSantis hosted a roundtable conference on December 13 with doctors and scientists with expertise in the area of COVID infection and vaccines.

“We’re going to be making some other important announcements today that will keep moving the state of Florida and the country in a direction that is more in line with truth and scientific data, and common sense,” said Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo at the start of the conference.

Ladapo also observed the alliance between the pharmaceutical companies that produced the mRNA shots and the media.

“Our media has clearly demonstrated that it is impossible to accurately report on something when you are taking money from that same something,” he said.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya said during the discussion the censorship of opinions about the mRNA shots that differed from those of the federal government was detrimental to the nation.

“I think the centrally important issue that caused the problems is that we silenced … qualified people from expressing their thinking and, as a result, the decision-making at the top of the country was absolutely abysmal,” he said, adding that “censorship,” “suppression of voices,” and “demeaning” those voices who disagree with the CDC, etc., result in “bad decisions” that are not checked.

Regarding the risks of the mRNA COVID shots, internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said 200 research papers now show that myocarditis, attributed to the COVID vaccine’s spike protein, results in heart damage and a scar, the latter of which is responsible for cardiac arrhythmia which, in turn, leads to many of the sudden deaths that have become prevalent.

“We are seeing sudden death on a massive scale in younger people and it’s my view that it’s the COVID-19 vaccine until proven otherwise,” McCullough said. “If a healthy person suddenly dies, and there’s no antecedent disease, it’s the vaccine until proven otherwise.”

In a statement about the Florida Supreme Court’s order, Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver observed:

If vaccine companies were held to the same standards of liability that drug manufacturers must shoulder, the COVID-19 shots would have ended months ago. These shots are all profit and no accountability, and that must change. Sadly, many lives have already been taken as a result.

“Thankfully, Governor Ron DeSantis is taking the lead to investigate the biggest vaccine fraud in history,” Staver added.

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Governor Ron DeSantis” by Governor Ron DeSantis. Background Photo “Florida Supreme Court” by Ebyabe. CC BY-SA 3.0.




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