Ex-Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Says He Is on a Crusade Against Harris, Highlights Trump Successes

Peter Navarro

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro said he is on a crusade against Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris while praising former President Donald Trump’s policies from four years ago.

“I’m on a crusade here…a mission,” Navarro said on a “Just the News, No Noise” special with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). “I do not want anybody to ever call Kamala Harris by only her first name again. She is not a soccer star. It’s a term of somewhat endearment when it should be one of ridicule.”

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‘She’s on the Downswing’: Pollster Says Harris’ Effort to Rebrand Herself Has Failed to Gain Traction

Kamala Harris

Pollster Matt Towery said Monday on Fox News that Vice President Kamala Harris’s attempts to rebrand herself are failing.

Towery appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss the New York Times poll showing that 47% of voters view Harris as too liberal, while 32% view former President Donald Trump as too conservative. Towery emphasized that Harris’s efforts to shift her image are “not working” because the polling numbers that favored Trump during Biden’s candidacy are starting to return to similar levels.

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Poll: Trump Leads Harris Among Independents by Double-Digits

Donald Trump Rally

A new poll suggests that President Donald Trump has retained a strong lead over Vice President Kamala Harris among independent voters, a crucial bloc that could decide the 2024 election.

Just The News reports that the new poll, released by Rasmussen Reports, shows the former president with an 11-point lead among independents, with 51% supporting Trump and just 40% supporting Harris. In the same survey one week prior, President Trump’s lead among independents was 9 points.

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Commentary: Kamala Harris and the Masque of Magical Thinking

Kamala Harris

Although the last few weeks have had their alarming aspects — chief among which was the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13, the odds-on favorite candidate for president — they have also had their amusing moments.

In the latter category, I place the sudden queen-for-a-day-like coronation of Kamala Harris.

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62 Percent of Voters are Concerned Cheating will Affect the 2024 Election: Poll

People Voting

A new poll found that 62% of voters are concerned cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election.

According to a poll by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute released Wednesday, 62% of likely national voters have concerns about cheating in the election. A total of 37% of likely voters nationwide were “very” concerned, with 25% “somewhat” concerned, with likely voters in battleground states splitting similarly.

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Before Running for the Oval Office, Kamala Harris Co-Sponsored a Green New Deal

Kamala Harris

by Nick Pope   Vice President Kamala Harris, seemingly first in line to run as the Democratic nominee for president now that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race, may be even more aligned with the environmental left than Biden, her record and past comments indicate. Harris,…

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Commentary: Seven Takeaways from Thursday’s Iconic Republican National Convention

Delegates celebrated happily Thursday night as they waited during the Republican National Convention to hear Donald Trump accept his party’s nomination for the third time — only five days after he was nearly killed by an assassin’s bullet.

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Democrats Say Whitmer Ready to Be Nominee and Win Presidency but State Energy Policy Will Be Tough Sell

Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appeared, with good reason, on Democrats’ short-list of possible 2024 presidential nominees following President Biden’s halting June 27 debate performance.

Whitmer is the governor of a battleground state that is essentially a must-win for Biden and GOP challenger Donald Trump, an abortion-rights advocate in a race in which abortion is a key voter issue, and is known for having worked across the aisle during her roughly 14 years in the state legislature.

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Commentary: Gavin Newsom Must Never Become U.S. President

Gavin Newsom

As President Biden’s age threatens to derail his reelection campaign, waiting in the wings and trying not to appear too eager is Gavin Newsom. It’s not easy. Wanting to be president with an intensity that might make Gollum’s lust for the One Ring appear prosaic, California’s governor knows that if Biden drops out, he’s the oddsmakers’ favorite.

But there is absolutely nothing Gavin Newsom has ever done that qualifies him to be president of the United States. If Newsom becomes the next U.S. president, he will accelerate a process that is already well underway and must be stopped at all costs: turning all of America into California.

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Commentary: SCOTUS Rulings, Biden-Trump Debate Shake Up Political Landscape

Jil and Joe Biden post-debate rally

What a week it’s been! We started off with Justice Amy Souter Barrett writing the SCOTUS ruling in Murthy v. Missouri.  At issue was whether it was okay for the federal government (the FBI and related elements of the American Stasi) to pressure social media and data-hoovering companies (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) to suppress opinions they didn’t like about things like COVID, the 2020 election, and the Jan 6 jamboree at the Capitol.

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Commentary: The Presidential Debate Should Expose a Fragile Biden

Joe Biden

While sometimes it is unavoidable, lawyers do everything they can not to become witnesses in their own cases. Such a contingency may require new counsel, adding to client expense. It also leads to some real ethical minefields. While as a witness they are obliged to tell the truth, they are also bound as lawyers by their duties of confidentiality and zealous advocacy for their clients, creating conflicts between these competing obligations.

Journalists, too, used to have certain ethical restrictions, some formal and some that arose as part of the culture. One of those restrictions is similar to that facing lawyers: journalists are not supposed to “become the story.” Journalists should be neutral conduits through which the facts are presented.

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Analysis: Americans Say 2024 Race is About the Issues Not Candidates Puts Biden at a Sharp Disadvantage

Joe Biden

The mainstream media is running with the headline that the latest Fox News poll shows Former President Trump two points behind President Joe Biden – a difference well within the margin of error – but the poll also reveals an edge for Trump on a majority of electoral issues. In addition, a majority of voters say the race in November will be about the issues, not about the candidates, a finding that could significantly favor Trump.

The poll does show Trump has lost a modest amount of ground since his conviction earlier this month, however, he remains up significantly with key groups of swing voters compared to 2020. The data continues to show Biden in a deep deficit with minorities and young voters but clawing his way back up with older voters and whites.

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Hollywood Teams Up with Biden Advisers to Launch Super PAC

Joe Biden in front of the Hollywood sign (composite image)

With less than five months to go before the November election, a new super PAC has been launched as a joint effort between Hollywood employees and Democratic political strategists.

As reported by Politico, the new group is called Won’t PAC Down; its goal is to increase outreach to younger voters who are increasingly disillusioned with Biden over a number of issues, ranging from the war in Israel and the environment to the student loan crisis and inflation.

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James Carville Calls On Media to Ramp Up ‘Slanted Coverage’ to Defeat Trump

James Carville

Democratic strategist James Carville on Thursday advocated for media outlets to boost their biased coverage of former President Donald Trump to help ensure he does not win the upcoming presidential election.

The New York Times’ executive editor Joe Kahn in May told Semafor his publication’s duty is to cover what Americans care about rather than what benefits President Joe Biden and hurts Trump. Carville on the “Politics War Room” took issue with this approach, saying that because of the stakes of the election, media outlets should take a more active role in advocating against Trump and people aligned with him instead of seeking to be objective.

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AP Wire Service Partners with Outlets Funded by Liberals to Launch ‘Nonpartisan’ News Initiative


The Associated Press announced that it would partner with five other outlets to create a nonpartisan news initiative prior to the upcoming 2024 election. These outlets appear to be predominantly, if not exclusively backed by liberal donors.

The AP announced Tuesday that it would be partnering with five local outlets in order to “expand the reach of local news ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential election and increasing access to AP’s nonpartisan journalism, especially in communities that may have limited access to fact-based news.”

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House Republicans Forcing Tough and Defining Votes on Democrats Ahead of November Election

Committee on House Administration chairman Bryan Steil

Ahead of the November election, Republicans have forced tough votes on Democrats that may hurt their chances at the polls. From election security to law enforcement to illegal immigration, House Republicans have passed bills that most House Democrats have voted against, despite Americans’ prevalent concerns about those issues.

According to the Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll, conducted with Noble Predictive Insights in March, when given a range of top concerns, 45 percent of likely voters said inflation/price increases, 44 percent said illegal immigration, and 24 percent said the economy/jobs.

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Commentary: Deepfakes, Disinformation, Social Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence in the 2024 Election

Computer Programmer

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its integration within various sectors is moving at a speed that couldn’t have been imagined just a few years ago. As a result, the United States now stands on the brink of a new era of cybersecurity challenges. With AI technologies becoming increasingly sophisticated, the potential for their exploitation by malicious actors grows exponentially.

Because of this evolving threat, government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), alongside private sector entities, must urgently work to harden America’s defenses to account for any soft spots that may be exploited. Failure to do so could have dire consequences on a multitude of levels, especially as we approach the upcoming U.S. presidential election, which is likely to be the first to contend with the profound implications of AI-driven cyber warfare.

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Commentary: Threat of Illegal Votes in the 2024 Election Results

Washington Post columnist Philip Bump had a hissy fit the other day about immigration, writing an article in his column titled “The 2020-was-stolen crew is here to stoke fears of noncitizen voters”—by which he probably meant “The 2020-election-was-stolen crew.”

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Sanctuary Cities Ramp Up Migrant Evictions Ahead of 2024 Election

Democratic metropolises are evicting migrants in the lead-up to the 2024 election despite their status as sanctuary cities, citing resource strains resulting from the ongoing border crisis.

Chicago, Denver and New York City are all increasing shelter evictions as the cities are overwhelmed with migrant influxes. President Joe Biden has declined to take executive action to secure the border, passing the buck to Congress despite revoking former President Donald Trump’s executive orders on the matter early into his term.

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‘Make Voting Great Again’: GOP Warns Against Government Election Meddling

Joe Biden Merrick Garland

The Biden administration appears poised to put the government’s thumb on the scale in the 2024 election, House Republicans say.

The administration’s lack of transparency about implementing President Joe Biden’s executive order for federal agencies to help get out the vote—combined with a warning from Attorney General Merrick Garland—has sparked some concern among lawmakers.

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Montana Rep. Rosendale to Seek Reelection After Dropping Senate Campaign

Rep. Matt Rosendale

Montana Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale on Wednesday confirmed that he would seek reelection in the lower chamber after ending a brief Senate campaign to oust Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester.

Earlier this month, Rosendale announced his Senate bid, hoping for a rematch after losing to Tester in 2018. He ended the campaign within a week, however, as former President Donald Trump and Senate leadership largely lined up behind businessman Tim Sheehy for the party nod.

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Americans Increasingly Turning Away from Political News as 2024 Election Nears

The American public is focusing less and less on political news in recent months, even as a crucial presidential election draws nearer.

According to Axios, Americans are instead turning back to consumption of non-political content such as sports and entertainment, indicating a decline in political interest that spiked in 2020 ahead of that year’s presidential race. While numerous events in 2020, such as the nationwide race riots and the lockdowns as the result of the Chinese Coronavirus, led to increased political engagement and culminated in record-high voter turnout, there have been fewer major events in the lead-up to 2024.

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Continued Inflation Tops List of Worries for Democrats, Republicans

Grocery Shopping

A new poll shows that Democrats and Republicans are concerned more about inflation than other potential crises, but voters from the two parties don’t see eye to eye on other concerns, including the potential of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil or potential chaos after the 2024 election.

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll conducted in conjunction with Noble Predictive Insights found that Republicans (45%) were more concerned about inflation than Democrats (32%). Concerns that inflation could continue and further drive up prices were highest for voters with children under 18 (47%) and those 45 to 54 years old (47%).

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Divide Among Elites and Rest of Country Widening Ahead of 2024 Election: Rasmussen

The divide between the country’s “elite” and the rest of America is growing and it will have a substantial impact on the 2024 elections, according to a survey conducted by Scott Rasmussen and RMG Research, Inc. 

The survey also found the most highly educated voters with advanced degrees are liberal-leaning and their policy positions are at odds with the rest of the electorate, which Rasmussen and conservative economist Steve Moore said during a briefing about the results on Friday.

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Commentary: After Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, Fuhgeddaboudit!

Since the advent of the Iowa caucuses in 1972 and the South Carolina primary in 1980, the “first in the nation” political contests, including the New Hampshire primary which dates back to 1916, have been able to consistently end up selecting who the nominee for President will eventually be particularly for Republicans.

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Commentary: Post-Election Audits Should Be the Norm for Every State

I may be dating myself, but the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

We can get much more than an ounce’s worth of prevention by engaging in post-election process audits. It is much easier to fix process problems early before they blow up and become problems that require litigation and other nasty fixes. Ahead of the 2024 election, state legislatures should require full process audits to ensure transparency and build trust in our elections.

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Trump Earns Praise from Pro-Life Activists as 2024 Election Nears

Trump March for Life

Former President Donald Trump has gained traction with several pro-life groups in his bid for the GOP nomination despite the movement’s heavy criticism of him over the last several months for changing his position on abortion, according to The Washington Post.

Trump has said in the past that he would not support a 15-week federal abortion ban and in September he claimed that he did not “frankly care” whether there was a federal or state ban on abortion, according to Axios. Pro-life groups such as Susan B. Anthony (SBA) Pro-Life America and Students for Life (SFL) had called out Trump for failing to support the pro-life movement but recently stated that while he is not the most ideal candidate, the former president has gotten the job done in the past, according to the Post.

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Commentary: Biden’s Sliding Poll Numbers

Joe Biden Miguel Cardona

President Biden’s sliding poll numbers have set off alarm signals among Democrats who are beginning to see that he might lose the 2024 election to Donald Trump. Those polls have also gotten the attention of pundits who have confidently said for three years now that Trump could never again win a national election. The polling results published over the past few months suggest otherwise: Trump is currently the favorite to win next year’s election.

The most recent RealClearPolitics Average has Trump leading Biden by 2.6 percentage points, a switch of about four points since late summer when Biden led 45%-43%, and in a long-running decline of seven points for Biden since he won the 2020 election with 51% percent of the popular vote.

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Commentary: Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He’s the Favorite to Win

There’s a strange disjunction in the discourse about the 2024 elections. On the one hand, when presented with the proposition “Trump can win,” people will nod their heads sagely and say something along the lines of: “Of course he can; only a fool would believe to the contrary.”

At the same time, whenever polling emerges showing that Donald Trump is performing well in 2024 matchups, a deluge of panicked articles, tweets (or is it “X”s?), social media posts, and the like emerge, reassuring readers that polls aren’t predictive and providing a variety of reasons that things will improve for President Biden.

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Trump Might Enter 2024 Election Unscathed as Court Dates Are Delayed, Legal Attacks Falter

Trump Courtroom

As former President Donald Trump’s legal difficulties continue to stack up, scheduling conflicts and trial delays offer relief and highlight an emerging path for him to enter the 2024 election without a conviction, should he be the Republican nominee.

Facing the strain of four separate criminal indictments while running a presidential campaign, Trump has sought to postpone trials in his cases until after the election. At least two judges — the one overseeing his Florida classified documents case and another overseeing his New York case for allegedly falsifying business records — have signaled a willingness to delay, while Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis believes the Georgia trial may not conclude until early 2025.

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Meta to Start Labeling Political Ads with AI-Generated Images Ahead of 2024 Election

Facebook and Instagram will require political ads on their platforms to disclose if they were created with artificial intelligence so they can be labeled as such, Meta, the parent company of the social media giants, announced Wednesday.

The new policy, which will take effect worldwide Jan. 1, will place labels acknowledging the use of artificial intelligence on users’ screens when they click on the advertisements, according to The Associated Press. 

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Commentary: If the Elections Were Held Today, Trump Would Defeat Biden – and Democrats Can’t Stand It

Few outside some bitter Republican circles are still arguing that Donald Trump can’t win the 2024 election. What was conventional wisdom a few months ago has fallen to pieces. Trump has already won the primary, not that Republicans have any reason to regret it: he is outperforming Joe Biden in the polls, despite being indicted four times, a remarkable feat that only Trump could pull off. Notably, Trump ran far behind Biden in 2020, when Trump barely “lost,” something that enraged many liberals at the time.

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Trump Trending Ahead of Biden in Key Battleground States and Nationwide, Polls Find

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in a series of recent battleground state polls and national surveys, indicating his continued political resilience despite a summer of criminal indictments as voters remain lukewarm on the current administration.

Trump is ahead of Biden in key swing states by anywhere from 1 point to 9 points, and the former president is leading from 1 point to 10 points nationally, according to numerous recent surveys. Polling analysts argued to the Daily Caller News Foundation that the surveys appear to be trending in Trump’s favor, with some cautioning that it is still too early in the election season to be predictive.

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Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie Slam the RNC After the Organization Threatened to the Candidates for Engaging in Separate Debates

GOP presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie have spoken out against the Republican National Committee (RNC) after it was reported the group threatened to expel the candidates from participating in future RNC-organized debates.

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Biden’s Support Among Minority Voters Is Plummeting as Trump Gains Ground, Poll Finds

President Joe Biden is losing substantial ground with minority voters while former President Donald Trump is gaining significantly, according to a poll released on Monday.

Biden’s support among black, Latino and Asian voters fell from 63 percent in July to 47 percent, according to the Monmouth University Poll. Trump’s support among these demographics rose from 23 percent to 33 percent during the same time period.

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Autoworkers Strike Imperils ‘Union Joe’ Biden’s 2024 Election Prospects

President Joe Biden may face headwinds in his 2024 reelection bid following his inability to prevent workers at the three biggest American auto manufacturers from striking, according to Politico.

The United Auto Workers (UAW) announced a strike Thursday night against the Big Three automakers — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis — saying that members would not be showing up to three plants on Friday, but stopping short of calling for all 146,000 unionized autoworkers to cease operations. Some have begun to place blame on the president for failing to help in negotiations, souring the president’s desired image of being “the most pro-union president you’ve ever seen,” according to Politico.

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