Commentary: The Walls Are Closing In on Woke DAs

Throughout America’s run as the freest country in history, we have implemented a broad range of ideas on governance, with varying results. Having a Bill of Rights in our Constitution, for example, was a very good idea. Allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections, not so much.

Among the notions firmly in the “bad idea” box has been the recent trend of advancing radical, “progressive” district attorneys in a slew of metropolitan areas. These DAs have unleashed a torrent of violent crime, illegal aliens, and general lawlessness that has made these once-sparkling cities unlivable. With residents of these cities pushed to the breaking point, many are beginning now to push back and it may signal the end of this horribly destructive experiment.  

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Records Reveal External Forces That Aided Soros-Funded Prosecutor in Toppling Missouri GOP Governor

A George Soros-bankrolled prosecutor in St. Louis was fed derogatory information in early 2018 from two opponents of Eric Greitens — a special interest group executive and an estranged husband — before she filed and later withdrew criminal charges that toppled the sitting Republican governor of Missouri, according to documents turned over to Just the News under a court order.

Hidden from public view for years, the internal communications between St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner and Greitens’ accusers provide new insights into the behavior of prosecutors and the external forces they worked with in a case that has resulted in legal misconduct findings against Gardner and a conviction for evidence tampering against her chief investigator, former FBI Agent William Tisaby.

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Biden’s ‘Racial Equity’ Committee Includes Soros-Funded Nonprofit Heads

President Joe Biden’s Treasury Department appointed two people to its “racial equity” committee that run nonprofits that received millions from left-wing billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) network, records show.

On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen unveiled the members for its Committee on Racial Equity, which will advise the agency on how “to advance racial equity in the economy and address acute disparities for communities of color.” Felicia Wong and Lorella Praeli, two committee members, lead four nonprofits that got over $15.7 million from OSF’s network between 2016 and 2020, according to OSF’s grant database.

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UC Berkeley Gave Hundreds of Thousands to Left-Wing Charity That Has Funded Groups Trying to Empty Prisons

The University of California, Berkeley gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2021 to a left-wing nonprofit funding groups that seek to empty prisons across the U.S., according to California financial records.

Berkeley sent over $262,500 to the Heising-Simons Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity that opposes “mass incarceration” and backs prison reform, according to records obtained by the transparency watchdog OpenTheBooks. The charity has granted huge sums to groups trying to overhaul the criminal justice system and get inmates back onto the streets, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.

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George Soros Network Bankrolled Activist Group Suing DeSantis over Martha’s Vineyard Flights

A nonprofit network that left-wing billionaire George Soros backs has bankrolled an activist group that is suing Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other officials over the state’s move to fly illegal migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

The advocacy law firm Lawyers for Civil Rights filed the lawsuit Tuesday with Alianza Americas, an immigration nonprofit, on behalf of “Vineyard migrants and all similarly situated people who are fraudulently induced to travel across state lines by DeSantis and the State of Florida.” Three nonprofits in Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) network have notably given almost $1.4 million to Alianza Americas between 2016 and 2020, according to OSF records.

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Commentary: Soros’ Claim About Leftist Prosecutors Is Big Lie

George Soros must be feeling the heat of rising crime rates. 

The leftist billionaire recently penned an opinion column in The Wall Street Journal explaining why he financially supports progressive prosecutors. Cloaked in platitudinous language devoid of substance, Soros asserts that “reform-minded prosecutors” have an agenda that promotes safety and justice and are “popular and effective.” 

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Andrew Warren, Democrats Respond to Suspension

Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suspended State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Circuit due to neglect of duty. Warren said he would not prosecute doctors and nurses who perform abortions after 15 weeks, which is a violation of state law. In response, Warren has said he will enter into a legal challenge against the state and DeSantis’ order.

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Andrew Warren, Democrats Respond to Suspension

Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suspended State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Circuit due to neglect of duty. Warren said he would not prosecute doctors and nurses who perform abortions after 15 weeks, which is a violation of state law. In response, Warren has said he will enter into a legal challenge against the state and DeSantis’ order.

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DeSantis Announces Suspension of Soros-Backed State Attorney

Yesterday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced the suspension of State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Circuit due to neglect of duty. Warren vowed that he would not prosecute doctors and nurses involved in performing abortions after 15 weeks, which has been banned by Florida law.

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DeSantis Announces Suspension of Soros-Backed State Attorney

Yesterday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced the suspension of State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Circuit due to neglect of duty. Warren vowed that he would not prosecute doctors and nurses involved in performing abortions after 15 weeks, which has been banned by Florida law.

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Biden, Soros Spearhead Efforts Against Election Integrity Ahead of Midterms

While federal agencies under the Biden administration are seeking to increase voter registration and turnout, a group linked to left-wing megadonor George Soros is pushing for a constitutional amendment in the battleground state of Michigan that would allow Zuckerbucks to be used in election administration.

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Soros Vows to Continue Supporting Soft-on-Crime DAs Despite Backlash

On Monday, far-left billionaire George Soros declared that he would continue to financially support district attorneys and other candidates who are explicitly soft on crime, falsely claiming that such candidates will make the criminal justice system “more effective and just.”

The New York Post reports that the 91-year-old Soros, in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, stated that “I have no intention of stopping” his support for prosecutors who deliberately reduce criminal penalties and refuse to enforce certain laws. Soros pointed to such examples as Alvin Bragg, the new District Attorney for Manhattan, whom Soros falsely called “popular” and “effective.”

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Soros-Backed Radio Station Buyout Will Fight ‘Disinformation’

Latino Media Network (LMN), the group that secured the cash to buy out 18 radio stations across the country including in Florida, announced their newly transitioned radio stations will be used to fight right wing “disinformation.”

LMN secured their invested cash in part because of a push from George Soros, the businessman and philanthropist who has funded countless left-wing causes and candidates in the United States. The effort comes from Democrat groups as Hispanic voters abandon the Democrat Party in droves and are becoming Republicans.

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Florida Conservatives Fear Censorship over Radio Station Buyout

A new group backed by Democrats and leftist initiative funder George Soros has purchased a historically conservative Spanish language radio station in South Florida as part of an 18-station buyout. The station being bought out is Miami’s Radio Mambí.

The buyout is being headed up by Jess Morales Rocketto, a former Hillary for America and AFL-CIO employee, and Stephanie Valencia, a former White House staffer during the Obama administration.

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‘Obstructing Justice’: Report Reveals How Many Millions Soros Has Spent Getting Left-Wing Prosecutors into Office

Billionaire George Soros spent a staggering $40 million through “shell organizations, affiliates, and pass through committees” in the last decade to aid in electing 75 “social justice” prosecutors in half of the 50 most-populous cities in the U.S., according to a new report.

The 17-page report, compiled by the nonprofit Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF), says the billionaire steers money to candidates and his “robust support network” to get left-wing prosecutors elected. The 75 prosecutors, which include those in Dallas, San Antonio, New York City, Austin, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and more, represent over one-in-five people, or more than 72 million Americans, according to the report.

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Commentary: Immigration Reform, America’s Holy Grail

Anyone who follows politics is accustomed to the overuse of the word “reform.” It is almost always depicted as a highly desirable goal that will sweep away bad precedents and usher in a new era of smarter government policy.

Reform is often a good and necessary thing. But there are few words left more open to interpretation. Reform, depending on who is suggesting the change, can mean entirely different things even when applied to the same issue. This is especially true when it comes to immigration.

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Planned Parenthood Leader Among Donors to Prosecutor Who Won’t Charge Protesters at Justices’ Homes

The political arm of the liberal legal group Demand Justice, which advocates packing the Supreme Court, contributed $5,000 last year to the campaign of Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano, who is among local prosecutors backed by liberal organizations tied to billionaire financier George Soros. 

Descano, a Democrat, has refused to prosecute some criminal offenses in his Northern Virginia jurisdiction, most recently taking no action against pro-abortion activists who rallied in front of the homes of Justices Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett to protest a pending Supreme Court ruling to end abortion on demand.

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Commentary: Soros’ ‘Open Society’ Vision Is Leaving a Dark Permanent Legacy

The Right’s attitude toward the ultrarich has evolved since 2012, when the Republican Party’s presidential nominee was Mitt Romney, a man who campaigned for policies like the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Many on the Right now recognize that there is no obvious connection between a person possessing fabulous wealth and favoring a free market economy, as evidenced by the politics of such robber barons as Jeff Bezos, Larry Fink, and Pierre Omidyar. 

Yet even prior to that transformation, one name on the list of billionaires has always induced heated reactions on the Right: George Soros. There have been many books authored by and about Soros, and he has been prolific in publishing his opinions on market economies, democracies, and globalism.

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Soros Family Continues to Support ‘Defund the Police’ Candidates

George Soros

Far-left billionaire George Soros, along with his daughter Andrea Soros Colombel, is continuing to donate to organizations that bankroll radical candidates who support defunding the police in the United States.

As reported by Fox News, the Soros family has still been donating to a joint fundraising committee that oversees multiple other PACs. The committee, called Lead The Way 2022, includes the Way to Lead PAC, the campaign committee of radical Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and the campaigns of up to 12 other far-left political candidates running for the U.S. Congress.

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Commentary: Soros Mindset Invades Nashville

Sarah Beth Myers and George Soros

Obviously, a multitude of factors are at play, but if you had to pick one man most responsible for the massive increase in crime of all sorts in American cities over the past few years, from pervasive looting to assault (sexual or otherwise) to murder, it would be billionaire investor George Soros.

Through his Open Society Foundations—described as “the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights”—plus various other entities, sub-entities, and cutouts, Soros has financed the political campaigns of numerous district attorneys and attorneys general across the country.

All of them were leftists, working from a principle of minimal, if any, incarceration or bail in any but the most extreme situations—and often in what most of would assume was extreme. The perpetrator, most probably, they assume, is the product of a miserable childhood, and therefore worthy of more sympathy than the victim. That many who had equally miserable childhoods still are able to function as law-abiding adults is evidently of little consequence to these DAs and AGs.

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Prosecutors’ Union in Landslide Vote Says Soros-Backed Los Angeles District Attorney Should Be Recalled

The Los Angeles Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA), a union which represents the vast majority of Los Angeles County prosecutors, voted overwhelmingly to support the recall of District Attorney George Gascon.

Gascon, who received over $2 million in financial backing from left-wing financier George Soros according to The Los Angeles Times, is currently facing a recall petition spurred by backlash to his perceived lenient stance on crime.

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New Manhattan District Attorney, Backed by Soros, Seeks to Reduce Criminal Sentences

The controversial new District Attorney for Manhattan, New York City has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking harsh sentences against murderers and terrorists, including life sentences without the possibility of parole.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D-N.Y.) issued a memo on January 3rd prohibiting his staff from pursuing sentences such as life in prison, and even went so far as to suggest that they never pursue sentences any harsher than 20 years behind bars.

“My commitment to making incarceration a matter of last resort is immutable,” Bragg said in the memo. “In exceptionally serious cases such as homicides where lengthy periods of incarceration are justified, ADAs shall consider the use of restorative justice as a mitigating factor in determining the length of the sentence, only when victims or their loved ones consent.”

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Bail Calculator Developed by Leftist Billionaire Used for Accused Waukesha Murderer Also Used in Two Pennsylvania Counties

Two Pennsylvania counties use the same lenient bail-calculation system that is used in Milwaukee County, WI and that is now being scrutinized in the wake of the Nov. 21 Waukesha Christmas-parade massacre.

Suspect Darrell E. Brooks Jr. faces homicide charges for killing six people at the holiday celebration with his car. Earlier that month, prosecutors handling a case of physical abuse and vehicular assault regarding Brooks asked a court to set bail bond for the defendant at a mere $1,000, to which the court agreed.

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George Soros, Unions, Other Far-Left Entities Donated Heavily to Defeat Pro-Police Ballot Measure in Austin, Texas

Police lights on top of car

A ballot measure aimed at increasing the number of police officers in the city of Austin, Texas was defeated in Tuesday’s election after hundreds of thousands of dollars was spent against it by George Soros, unions, and other organizations from outside of Texas, as reported by Fox News.

The question before voters, known as Prop A, would have required the city to hire two police officers for every 1,000 residents, and would subsequently increase officer training to accommodate the new hires. The measure was put on the ballot in response to a surge in violent crime in the wake of last year’s violent race riots, and a subsequent decline in the number of officers due to the “defund the police” movement as well as increasingly strict vaccine mandates.

The bulk of the money spent against Prop A came from outside the state of Texas. Chief among them was the far-left Equity PAC, which was given $500,000 by George Soros’s Open Society foundation, contributing to a total war chest of around $1.2 million. Other culprits include the equally far-left group known as the 1630 Fund, which spent $100,000 against Prop A, and the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, which spent another $100,000. Another Soros-linked group, the Fairness Project, spent $200,000 to defeat Prop A.

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George Soros Teams Up with Billionaire Who Backed Liberal Disinformation Efforts to Fund Anti-Disinformation Media Venture

Liberal tech billionaire Reid Hoffman, a funder of numerous disinformation projects, is backing a new media venture launched Tuesday that seeks to combat disinformation, according to a report.

Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, joined ranks with financier George Soros to fund Good Information Inc., which will “fund and scale businesses that cut through eco chambers with fact-based information,” Axios reported.

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Commentary: Beware of Regime-Approved Whistleblowers

Ritual humiliation of social media companies is becoming something of a tradition. Most typically, social media CEOs are hauled before Congress, harangued for a day, promise to “do better,” and then go back to business as usual.

Last week a new kind of social media witness appeared: a whistleblower. Frances Haugen emerged with a great deal of fanfare, complete with a public relations firm, a verified account on Twitter, and a fawning entourage, including members of the press and Congress. But instead of denouncing social media for its excessive power, wealth, and hostility to traditional American values, Haugen pleaded for regulations that happen to align with the peculiar values and interests of Silicon Valley.

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Soros-Funded Group Sends Letter to FCC Calling for Murder of Republicans

A far-left group funded by radical billionaire George Soros submitted a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) calling for Republicans to be murdered, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The group in question is Free Press, which is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation, as well as the Center for American Progress, the Tides Foundation, and other far-left organizations. Free Press, whose stated goal is to “reshape media” in the United States, submitted a letter signed by almost 5,000 of its members baselessly accusing the FCC of systemic racism.

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Court No-Shows by Soros-Backed Prosecutor Lead to Release of Murder Suspect

Kimberly Gardner

One of the early local-level prosecutors bankrolled by liberal mega-donor George Soros since 2016 is facing questions after her office failed to show up for court hearings and turn over evidence in a murder case.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner’s office initially told KSDK that suspect Brandon Antione Campbell was in custody, with charges refiled against him after a court order last week dismissing his case.

The office backtracked Tuesday night, admitting Campbell, who is black and allegedly killed another black male, was still at large.

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George Soros Gives $500 Million to Tiny College

George Soros

Billionaire philanthropist and left-wing megadonor George Soros is donating $500 million to Bard College a small liberal arts college in New York.

According to a Bard College press release, the grant — “which is among the largest ever made to higher education in the United States” — will facilitate “Bard’s exemplary educational and social initiatives, establish the College’s most substantial endowment ever, and set the stage for a $1 billion endowment drive.” The college announced that it raised $250 million for its endowment and is seeking to raise another $250 million going forward.

Bard College President Leon Botstein stated that the gift marks the “most historic moment since the college’s founding in 1860.” Based on Bard’s published number of 1,900 undergraduates, Soros’ donation amounts to $263,157 per current undergraduate student.

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Soros Kicked in $2M to Elect Maricopa County Sheriff Now Stonewalling Election Audit

More than four years before Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone used his law enforcement credibility to resist subpoenas in the Arizona Senate audit of the county’s general election, he was running for the office he now holds.

Crucial to the Democrat’s victory over incumbent Republican Joe Arpaio: $2 million from progressive megadonor George Soros.

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Investigation Finds Massive Wrongdoing by Prosecutor in Case Against Ex-Missouri Governor

Missouri’s chief legal disciplinary officer accused St. Louis’ top prosecutor of sweeping misconduct in the failed prosecution of former Gov. Eric Greitens, saying she lied to judges in court filings and testimony, withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense, misled her own prosecution team and violated the constitutional right to a fair trial.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, one of the early local prosecutors bankrolled by liberal megadonor George Soros since 2016, engaged in 62 acts of misconduct that resulted in 79 false representations during Greitens’ now-dismissed criminal prosecution, according to Chief Disciplinary Counsel Alan Pratzel’s memo obtained Wednesday by Just the News.

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Commentary: Movement Grows to Recall Progressive District Attorneys

George Gascón, District Attorney

The advocacy group “Fair and Just Prosecution” says the goal of progressive criminal justice reform is to create “a justice system grounded in fairness, equity, compassion, and fiscal responsibility.” Starting around 2016, this movement picked up momentum across the United States, primarily by funding candidates in county district attorney elections. There are now dozens of cities and counties with elected district attorneys that are enforcing massive shifts in prosecutorial conduct.

Reforms were needed. But so far, they have been a disaster.

While the most visible source of funding for these district attorney candidates is the notorious George Soros, the movement is much bigger than the agenda of one billionaire. It taps a core belief of progressives, that America’s criminal justice system is punitive and disproportionately targets nonwhite and low-income communities. It also taps into a sentiment shared by progressives and libertarians, that “victimless” crimes, primarily drug related, should not be crimes at all.

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Commentary: At Less Than 100 Days in, the Wheels Are Already Falling Off Biden’s Cart

President Joseph R. Biden Jr., has not yet completed his first 100 Days and the wheels are already falling off the cart–but, not for the obvious reasons.

Biden may not realize it for months, but already in Washington, there is a recognition that the president will get nothing done in 2021 and 2022 is not looking good either.

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Investigation Confirms That George Soros Funded DAs Who Would Release Illegal Aliens

At least three high-profile district attorneys in the United States who have been funded by far-left billionaire George Soros have since gone on to implement pro-amnesty policies that have released numerous criminal illegal aliens, as reported by Breitbart.

The district attorneys include Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner, Chicago’s Kimberly Foxx, and Diana Becton in Contra Costa County, California, as confirmed by the investigation from the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). These officials, like others around the country, have gone out of their way to see illegal aliens released from local custody before they can be arrested and deported by ICE.

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Exclusive: Roger Stone Denounces New York Times Hit-Piece Tying Him to Capitol Riot

  One of President Donald J. Trump’s longest-serving political advisors told the Star News Network the Feb. 14 latest attack piece in The New York Times is part of a mainstream media attempt to tie him to the Jan. 6 chaos in the Capitol. “Just because the New York Times…

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