Commentary: Senate Must Let House Make Its Case in Impeachment Trial of Mayorkas

Alejandro Mayorkas

A grave injustice may be about to take place in the Senate–and only public pressure can prevent it.

I write of the upcoming impeachment trial of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who was impeached by the House on February 13 on two counts: that he failed to comply with the law and that he lied to Congress about the results of his failure to comply with the law.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announces Presidential Bid with Potentially More Popularity Among Conservatives

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his bid for the 2024 Democrat presidential nomination Wednesday by promising to end the “toxic” polarization in America that has grown so “dangerous,” he said, “than at any time since the Civil War.”

The lifelong Democrat, whose family was portrayed for decades, by an infatuated media, as American royalty, now appears to be an outlier in his party’s current far-left worldview, and is even attracting some conservatives.

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Commentary: The Coming Dark Age, Courtesy of our 21st Century Government

Certain basic functions of everyday life distinguish us from animals. Our use of fire is among them. We cook with it, heat with it, and light the darkness with it. In many ways, fire on the stove is the center of our family life. In days of our ancestors, we even kept wild animals at bay with torches burning hot with the rendered fat of animals.

Now the United States federal government is coming for our fire. It’s to protect the children, the federal government says, through an unelected bureaucrat who wants to regulate gas cookstoves out of existence.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Documentary Exposes ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ in Free October 18 Viewing

The anticipated documentary based on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New York Times bestseller exposing the influence White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has had on government policy, the pharmaceutical industry, and Americans’ health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, will be available for free viewing for 10 days, beginning October 18, on the film’s website.

In The Real Anthony Fauci, filmmaker Jeff Hays seeks to reveal Fauci’s motivations behind his authoritarian decrees that kept Americans separated, businesses upended, and children out of schools – all without pushback from the establishment media.

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Florida Pushes to Recruit Military Veterans for Teaching Jobs

Gov. Ron DeSantis is encouraging military veterans interested in teaching at Florida public schools to consider applying through a new program.

“Florida is leading the way by bringing some of the best, the brightest and the bravest among us into our classrooms through a new program that helps military veterans become teachers,” he said in a video announcement Thursday. “If you served in the military for at least four years, were honorably discharged, have taken 60 college credits, and pass a subject area exam, we want you to be able to teach Florida students.

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Commentary: Follow the Money to Uncover the Corruption Around COVID-19 Measures

When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. published his book The Real Anthony Fauci in November, the fact that it was met with near-total silence from the media was hardly surprising. After all, since the declaration of the COVID pandemic in March 2020, with social media in the lead, Americans have witnessed an unprecedented suppression of any view departing from the official narrative on everything from the origin of the virus to lockdowns, mitigation strategies, and early treatment. 

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Federal Court Halts Major Biden ‘Social Cost’ Climate Policy in Victory for Republican States

A federal district court in Louisiana halted one of President Joe Biden’s key climate initiatives implemented shortly after he was inaugurated in January 2021.

Judge James Cain, Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, concluded that the policy — which declared there were “social costs” of continued greenhouse gas emissions — caused significant harm to Americans, according to his ruling published Friday. The federal judge granted a motion for a preliminary injunction, pausing implementation of the policy.

“Plaintiff States have sufficiently identified the kinds of harms to support injunctive relief,” Cain wrote in his ruling. “Moreover, the Court finds that the Plaintiff States have made a clear showing of an injury-in-fact, and that such injury ‘cannot be undone through monetary remedies.’”

“The Court agrees that the public interest and balance of equities weigh heavily in favor of granting a preliminary injunction,” the judge added.

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Border Agent Arrested for Allegedly Smuggling Illegal Migrants

A Border Patrol agent was arrested in Laredo, Texas, Friday after allegedly smuggling illegal migrants into the U.S., Customs and Border Protection announced Tuesday.

Border Patrol Agent Rodney Tolson, Jr. was routinely assigned to lane inspections at an interior checkpoint where he allegedly conspired to transport and smuggle illegal migrants into the U.S. for payment from around Feb. 9, 2020, through March 26, 2019, according to an indictment.

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