University of Florida Backtracks, Permits Professors to Testify

The University of Florida has completely backtracked on its policy to prevent three professors from testifying in a state legal challenge. The university originally said the professors’ testimony would be a conflict of interest given the university is funded by state dollars.

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Tenure Proposal Raises Concerns with Florida’s Public Universities

A proposal that threatens employment protections for tenured professors is becoming a concern as it circulates throughout Florida’s public universities. 

If the proposal is approved, it would make the process of dismissing veteran faculty members easier by establishing a “comprehensive review process” for professors every five years that ultimately puts their employment in the hands of a university provost.

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: 2021 Lessons for Republicans

Man in camo holding an American flag

The 2021 elections are filled with key lessons for Republicans.

Vice President Kamala Harris had already warned in a Virginia visit late in the campaign that “what happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024 and on.”

If Republicans learn the lessons of 2021 – and apply them to 2022 and 2024 – they can prove Harris was truly prophetic.

It is already clear that the Democrats’ power structure in Washington has learned nothing. In 2009, after losing Virginia and New Jersey, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed through Obamacare four days later. Remember, she said cheerfully “Congress [has] to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it.” 

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Texas Officials Have Arrested over 8,500 Illegal Migrants Since Gov. Abbott Launched Operation Lone Star

Texas law enforcement officials have made more than 8,520 criminal arrests of illegal migrants since Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star in March, a Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday.

Around 1,600 of the arrests were for criminal trespassing and about 6,800 felony charges were filed against illegal migrants from the time Abbott’s directive was issued through Oct. 28, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Press Secretary Ericka Miller told the DCNF.

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America First Policy Institute Establishes Political Arm

Two men hosting a radio show at a small booth

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) announced on Friday that the organization will launch a political arm in order to advance their cause.

The new group, America First Works, will seek “to transfer power back to the American people and away from government elites by engaging in grassroots advocacy to affect change at the federal, state, and local level.”

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Commentary: Financial Stability Is Key to Being Able to Leave Job for Refusing Vaccine Mandate

Joshua Mawhorter

Until recently, I was a California teacher working in two charter schools, one as a full-time classroom teacher of Government/Economics and sometimes U.S. History, and the other as a part-time independent study teacher who assists families with a program primarily based around homeschooling. I have taught for about five years and love teaching.

Last week, I was fired from one school and put on unpaid administrative leave at the other because of my refusal either to take and demonstrate proof of the COVID-19 vaccine or test weekly. I even filed a religious exemption stating the following that was rejected:

“As a committed follower of Christ, I religiously and philosophically cannot submit to either a government vaccine mandate or weekly testing.

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Coronavirus Is Fading as the Top Issue on Americans’ Minds, Polls Show

COVID-19 is taking a back seat when it comes to the economy, education and more, recent polls show.

In a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, only about 12% of American adults surveyed said they would list public health issues, which include COVID-19, as a top priority, below economic issues like the job market and inflation. The poll also showed 73% of respondents saying political leaders should focus on growing jobs and the economy and two-thirds of voters, including a majority of both Republicans and Democrats, agreeing that “inflation is a very big concern for me.”

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Republicans Vow to Fight White House Plan to Pay Migrants Who Entered Country Illegally

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the McAllen station encounter large group after large group of family units in Los Ebanos, Texas, on Friday June 15. This group well in excess of 100 family units turned themselves into the U.S. Border Patrol, after crossing the border illegally and walking through the town of Los Ebanos.

Congressional Republicans say they will fight a White House plan to pay up to $450,000 in reparations to migrants separated from their families under the Trump administration after entering the country illegally.

After The Wall Street Journal reported on the plan earlier this week, President Joe Biden called the report “garbage,” only to be corrected by his spokesperson the next day.

At issue is former President Donald Trump’s policy of prosecuting all adults who entered the country illegally, in accordance with federal immigration law, including those with children. The Biden administration rescinded the policy, along with many other immigration enforcement efforts.

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Twitter Users Slam Article Claiming White Women ‘Killing America’

Twitter users criticized a Wednesday article by Wajahat Ali which argued white women are “killing America” by voting for Republicans.

“The cult of Karen will always turn on people of color on a dime to uphold oppressive systems that ensure they remain influential and powerful handmaidens of white,” Ali claims.

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James O’Keefe Speaks Out After FBI Raids Homes of Project Veritas Journalists

On November 4, the FBI raided the apartments and houses of Project Veritas Journalists and former journalists, Veritas founder James O’Keefe announced in a video online Friday. [The FBI raided O’Keefe’s apartment early Saturday morning. See update below].

Project Veritas is a non-profit journalism enterprise that “investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions” in an effort to hold the powerful to account and achieve a more ethical society.

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Job Creators Network Calls for Reversal of Biden Vaccine Mandate Following Judicial Ruling

The Job Creators Network (JCN) on Saturday called for a complete reversal of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, after members of the federal judiciary blocked the measure.

A three judge panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a temporary stay against the broad mandate, citing “cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate”

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Virginia Attorney General-Elect Commits to Investigating Sexual Assaults in Loudoun Schools

Virginia’s Republican Attorney General-elect Jason Miyares said during a press conference Thursday that he plans to investigate Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) and the recent sexual assaults that took place on its campuses.

“Do you plan to investigate Loudoun County Public Schools and the recent sexual assaults that have happened there?” a journalist asked during the press conference.

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Report: Hospital ERs Swamped with People Reporting Blood Clots, Heart Problems, Tingling Arms

Hospitals worldwide are being swamped with patients suffering from serious illnesses that are not believed to be COVID-related. Health officials say that the phenomenon is due to people avoiding visits to the doctor during the pandemic, and paying for it later. Others say that emergency rooms are filling up with people with vaccine injuries.

Mark McGowan, the premier of Western Australia said in a recent interview that the country is seeing a huge uptick in hospitalizations, and no one knows why.

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North Carolina Adopts New Congressional Map That Favors Republicans

The North Carolina General Assembly on Thursday finalized the state’s new U.S. House map that gives Republicans a distinct advantage over Democrats.

The map creates 10 safe Republican seats, three safe Democratic seats and one competitive seat, up from the current 8-5 map now. North Carolina is the only state where the legislature has full control over the redistricting process, meaning that the new lines can skirt what would be an all but certain veto from Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and go into effect.

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Florida Judge Sides with State on Mask Mandates, Against Local School Districts

A judge within the Florida Department of Administrative Hearings ruled that the Florida Department of Health (DOH) has the authority to make the rules for public school students regarding quarantines and mask mandates.

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