Commentary: Mutual Funds Are Using Your Money to Push ESG

The mutual fund industry has gone “woke.” It’s not just the asset managers who screen socially “unacceptable” companies in industries involving, say, guns, fossil fuels, tobacco, or gambling. Those have been around for decades.

No, there’s something else amiss. And if you’re investing your hard-earned money, you might be part of the problem.

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Harvard Orders Students to Use Correct Pronouns, Says Wrong Pronouns Constitute ‘Abuse’

One of the nation’s most prestigious universities is ordering students to attend mandatory training on using “correct” pronouns for their fellow students, warning that using their real pronouns may constitute “abuse” and could lead to disciplinary action.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the Ivy League school Harvard University now requires all students to attend mandatory Title IX training sessions. At these sessions, they are told, among other things, that “using the wrong pronouns” for students who believe they are a different gender constitutes “abuse,” and that “any words used to lower a person’s self-worth” are “verbal abuse.”

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National Groups Backing Local School Board Candidates Against Radical Gender, Race Teachings

The American Principles Project (APP), a national pro-parents rights organization that directly engages in campaigns and elections, has entered the Polk County, Florida school board election by providing four local candidates with $40,000 for ad campaigns.

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Clinton, Obama Economist Says U.S. ‘Has a Serious Inflation Problem’

Two top economists from Democratic presidential administrations are raising the alarm about inflation this week even as the Biden administration touts its progress on the issue.

Lawrence Summers, who served as Secretary of the Treasury for President Bill Clinton and Director of National Economic Council for President Obama, pointed to the latest consumer price inflation data, saying the U.S. “has a serious inflation problem.”

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New Survey: Biden’s Approval Rating Sits at 45 Percent

President Biden’s job approval rating has increased to 45%, compared to its low of 36% in July, but concerns about his handling of the economy persist, according to a new survey.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey released Thursday shows Biden’s increase appears due in large part to a rebound in support from fellow Democrats – less than two months before the November midterm elections.

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Planned Parenthood 2021 Annual Report: 383,460 Abortions – Highest Number Yet Reported

Planned Parenthood released its 2020-2021 annual report that showed, despite the COVID pandemic, the organization performed 383,460 abortions – the highest number of abortions it has yet reported – and received an increase of $15.3 million in taxpayer funding from the previous year.

“Planned Parenthood health centers are proud to provide abortion,” the organization declared in its latest annual report

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Commentary: (Not) Sorry Democrats, Abortion Won’t Save You

The desperate attempts by the White House, congressional Democrats, and the corporate media to refocus voter attention on abortion rather than inflation are failing. Most reputable polls show that the electorate is far more concerned about mismanagement of the economy by President Biden and his collaborators in Congress than about threats to reproductive rights posed by “MAGA Republicans.” Contrary to Democratic hopes, November won’t be about abortion vs. inflation. The midterms will be a referendum on Biden’s performance, particularly as it affects inflation.

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Rubio Decries California’s Ban on Fossil-Fueled Car Sales

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio excoriated California’s recent move to ban the sale of fossil-fueled cars by 2035.

The state’s Air Resources Board approved in late August rules that would require the state to transition to selling only electric vehicles by the deadline and set interim targets for EV sales quotas ahead of the final ban. At present, just 1% of cars on the state’s roads are emissions-free vehicles. The ban does not apply to any pre-existing fossil-fueled vehicles.

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: In Today’s America, Some Really Are More Equal than Others

That once distinguished the United States from illiberal regimes following the Orwellian mantra “some are more equal than others” was the hallowed American idea of “equal justice under the law.”

The phrase is engraved above the entrance to the United States Supreme Court – an ideal that took centuries to achieve. Yet it is an ancient concept – what the Greeks called isonomia that distinguished classical democratic Athens from its anti-democratic rivals. Isonomia later became enshrined as the central criterion of all Western consensual governments.

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Biden Says COVID Pandemic Is ‘Over’ in the United States

President Joe Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic is “over” in the United States.

“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. It’s– But the pandemic is over,” Biden said during a pre-recorded CBS “60 Minutes” interview aired Sunday.

“As you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape, and so I think it’s changing,” he said.

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