Big Tech-Funded Nonprofit Gives Migrants ‘Literal Roadmaps’ on Ways to Reach the U.S. Border

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala — Doctors Without Borders, a medical aid nonprofit which is funded by a number of prominent tech companies, is publishing and distributing maps to migrants showing routes through Central America that reach the U.S., according to a copy of the map seen by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Poll: Large Majority of American Voters Say They Will Not Vote for Candidates Supporting Gender Transition Procedures for Minors

A poll published Thursday found 72.7 percent of American voters say they are not likely to vote for candidates running in the midterm elections who support gender transition procedures, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries, for minors.

The survey, sponsored by Convention of States Action and conducted by The Trafalgar Group, found 63.3 percent of 1,080 likely general election voters say they are not likely to vote for a candidate who supports gender transition medical procedures for minors, and 9.4 percent say somewhat less likely – a total of 72.7 percent who say they are not likely to vote for candidates with those views.

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Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Gets Life in Prison

Nikolas Cruz, the gunman in the deadly Parkland school shooting, received a life sentence on Wednesday after previously pleading guilty to multiple counts of murder and attempted murder.

A jury previously declined to recommend the death penalty for Cruz, instead proposing a life sentence with no parole, to which the judge on Wednesday sentenced him, per CNN.

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Commentary: The Left Were the Mad Scientists, Americans Were Their Lab Rats

As the midterms approach, one way of looking at America’s current disaster is that we, the American people, were lab rats. And since 2021, the Left were the mad scientists, eager to try out their crackpot leftist experiments on us. 

The result is that the housing market is tottering on the verge of collapse. 

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Commentary: Biden’s Migrant Policy Worsens Central America’s ‘Root Causes,’ Critics Say

When Vice President Kamala Harris visited Mexico last year, she cited poverty, crime, and political instability as “root causes” driving millions of migrants to cross the U.S. border. 

But some critics with regional expertise say Biden administration policies, which migrants have interpreted as an invitation to travel north, have severely worsened those root causes, destabilizing large swaths of Central America and Mexico. The torrent of people moving across the region has delivered billions of dollars to the coffers of human smuggling rings and the drug cartels that have taken advantage of America’s overwhelmed border patrol to deliver fentanyl and other deadly substances to the United States.  

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Nearly Two Open Jobs for Every Unemployed Worker, Data Shows

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released new employment data which showed there are nearly two open jobs for every unemployed worker in the U.S.

The federal data showed the number of job openings rose to 10.7 million in September, up about 437,000 from the previous month after a significant decrease in August.

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NBC Claims Voter ID Laws ‘Disproportionately’ Impact Transgender People

NBC News aired a segment on Wednesday claiming, with no evidence, that so-called “transgender people” are “disproportionately” impacted by laws requiring a form of identification in order to vote.

As reported by Fox News, the segment with hosts Joe Fryer and Savannah Sellers claimed that the issue should most affect “Generation Z” voters, with Sellers declaring that “transgender voters are concerned they might be blocked from casting their ballots.”

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