Senate Votes to Pass House’s Stopgap Funding Bill, Averting Government Shutdown

The Senate voted to pass the House’s stopgap funding bill on Saturday night by a vote of 88 to 9, avoiding a government shutdown that would have occurred at midnight, the end of the fiscal year. The bill will now go to the White House for President Biden’s signature. 

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Consumer Confidence Plummets as Biden Approval Rating Slumps

Morning Consult’s U.S. consumer sentiment index in September declined to its lowest point in months as voters voice concerns over President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy.

Consumer confidence is decreasing once again after having risen over the course of 2023 following lows during 2022, according to Morning Consult. Moreover, as Americans remain pessimistic about their finances, they are increasingly souring on the president’s job performance, with 56% of Americans disapproving of Biden in recent Washington Post-ABC News and NBC News polls, up from previous figures.

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Chinese Hackers Stole 60,000 State Department Emails: Report

Hackers in China stole 60,000 emails from officials at the Department of State, according to a report by Politico.

News of the hacking was revealed by Department of State officials during a private staff briefing on Capitol Hill, recently, Politico reported. There, the department’s chief information officer, Kelly Fletcher, informed staff that over 60,000 emails had been stolen from ten staff members using Microsoft Outlook, the department’s emailing system, with the hack affecting high-ranking officials such as Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

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Biden Challengers Nearly Nonexistent in Google Results

Republican presidential candidates’ websites are practically nonexistent in generic Google searches for the party’s 2024 bench, and not much better for the most viable primary challenger to Democratic President Biden, according to tests by a watchdog and Just the News.

For the conservative Media Research Center and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), it’s unmistakable evidence of Google’s bias for the incumbent just as primary voters are seeking more information about the candidates on the debate stage.

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Names of Potential Replacements Emerge amid What Appears Strengthening Effort to Remove McCarthy

A shortlist of potential House Republicans to replace Speaker Kevin McCarthy has emerged on Capitol Hill amid what appears to be a strengthening effort within the chamber’s GOP conference to replace him.

The effort is being led by Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, considered the biggest McCarthy critic in the conference, who has essentially said if the speaker uses Democrat votes to pass a spending bill he’ll lose his GOP speakership – in what is called a “motion to vacate.” 

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Andy Biggs Commentary: Congress Can’t Continue the Budget Insanity

In the current atmosphere of acrimony surrounding the failure of Congress to produce a balanced budget, or even an unbalanced budget, it is important to review the facts. The facts are important because the Uniparty, the Swamp, the Establishment, and many media propagandists are engaged in a parade of fearmongering.

Because House Republicans did not timely produce a budget as required by law, “they,” the leaders of the Uniparty, began championing their preferred budget mechanism, the “Continuing Resolution (CR).” We know it is their preferred option because they use it every year.

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Biden Admin Releases Most Restrictive Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Plan in U.S. History

The Biden administration on Friday unveiled the most restrictive offshore oil and gas five-year leasing program in history.

The Department of the Interior (DOI) announced the plan, which allows for three offshore oil and gas lease sales through 2029, with sales in 2025, 2027 and 2029. That schedule represents the lowest number of sales that the administration could have pursued while maintaining its ability to push offshore wind development under provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and it is the “smallest number of oil and gas lease sales in history,” according to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

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Under Biden, Bankruptcies Are Rising for the First Time in over 13 Years

Bankruptcies are rising for the first time in years as more Americans feel the pressure of declining economic conditions without the reprieve of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 pandemic-era aid programs.

Americans filed more than 39,000 personal bankruptcy cases in August 2023, up 18% year-over-year, with bankruptcies beginning to spike after reaching record lows in 2021 and 2022, with the number of filings rising for all chapters for the first time year-over-year since 2010, according to data from the U.S. Courts. The number of bankruptcies is rising as Americans are increasingly burdened by high interest rates and falling real wages, while the COVID-19 pandemic stimulus and programs that were buoying Americans with debt begin to lose effect, according to experts who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Commentary: Stand Up to Left’s Use of COVID to Shut Down America

The Democrat Leftists and oligarchical elites are very capable people; it brings pain to admit it, but it’s true. In the midst of seeking the demise the 45th President and his legal team from 2020, they have managed to continue the fear factor that ushered in mail-in ballots and multiple week voting ensuring a myriad of unexplained discrepancies, ballots without a chain-of-custody, and the White House.

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Memo: Biden Family, Associates Received over $24 Million Through Foreign Business Dealings

Another claim from House Republicans suggests that the Biden family and business associates made as much as $24 million from foreign business transactions, even higher than previous estimates.

According to the Daily Caller, the memo from the chairman of three congressional committees cites records from various shell companies which point to payments from several foreign countries, including China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan.

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Impeachment Memo: Biden Family Collected $15 Million in Foreign Money, DOJ ‘Obstructed’ Probe

The three House chairmen leading the impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden told fellow lawmakers Wednesday night that the president’s family collected at least $15 million in foreign funds and that there is evidence the Justice Department “obstructed” federal agents from pursuing evidence leading to the White House.

“Department of Justice personnel blocked avenues of inquiry that could have led to evidence incriminating President Biden and impeded efforts to prosecute Hunter Biden for tax crimes relating to foreign business arrangements that could have implicated President Biden,” Reps. James Comer, Jim Jordan and Jason Smith wrote in a 30-page memo to colleagues on the eve of the first impeachment inquiry hearing in Congress.

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August Border Encounters of More than 322,000 Highest Monthly Total in U.S. History

Total encounters reported at both the northern and southwest land borders in August was 304,162, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. It is the greatest total number of illegal entries of any month in recorded U.S. history, according to CBP data.

Total encounter data excludes nearly 30,000 gotaways at the southwest border reported by Border Patrol agents last month. It excludes gotaways reported by Office of Field Operations agents at the southwest border and all gotaway data from the northern border.

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Retailers Lost Billions of Dollars to Shoplifters in 2022, Survey Shows

Retailers lost more than $112 billion to crime in 2022, a roughly 19% increase in losses from 2021, a survey from the National Retail Federation (NRF) and the Loss Prevention Research Council found.

At least 28% of businesses who responded to the survey reported that they had closed locations because of organized retail theft, while 30% reduced or altered their in-store product selections. Out of the 177 retail brands surveyed, 88% said that shoplifters had become somewhat more or much more violent in 2022 compared to the previous year.

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Transportation Analyst: Private Rail Line Between Miami and Orlando Is ‘Promising’

A privately funded passenger rail line that launched last week between Miami and Orlando holds great promise, Robert Poole of the Reason Foundation told The Center Square.

“It shows what can really be done if you approach it as a true business venture,” said Poole, the foundation’s director of transportation policy.

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Senate Unanimously Approves Suit-and-Tie Dress Code

The Senate unanimously approved a suit-and-tie dress code in a resolution that came a week and a half after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that the decades-old unofficial policy would be relaxed.

Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin proposed the resolution with the new enforceable standards, which the Senate agreed to Wednesday by unanimous consent.

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CCP-Linked TikTok’s Personnel Can Allegedly Access Politicians’ Private Networks: Report

TikTok and its Beijing-based parent company ByteDance’s personnel can allegedly view the private connections of a vast array of politicians, Forbes reported on Wednesday.

TikTok has a social graph tool that reveals connections of individuals including members of President Joe Biden’s family, governors, senators and state attorneys general, Forbes reported. Other social media companies have access to similar data but TikTok has fewer barriers for employees to view it and more personal information available for them to draw from, according to individuals who have worked for multiple tech firms who spoke to Forbes.

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Commentary: The Answer to American Electric Grid Reliability Is Fuel Cells

In 1932, Americans were doggedly trudging through year three of the Great Depression when a candidate for president spoke of “the human importance of electric power in our present social order … It lights our homes, our places of work and our streets. It turns the wheels of most of our transportation and our factories. In our homes it serves not only for light, but it can become the willing servant of the family in countless ways … Electricity is no longer a luxury,” he declared. “It is a definite necessity.”

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CIA Creates Its Own Version of ChatGPT to Rival Chinese AI

Amid the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has developed its own AI tool in the same vein as ChatGPT, in an effort to combat the Chinese military’s AI advances.

As Just The News reports, the CIA plans to launch its own artificial intelligence platform in order to provide its employees with easier methods of accessing intelligence and information. Specifically, the new technology hopes to allow users to acquire the original source more quickly than before for faster analysis.

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Comer at First Impeachment Hearing: Biden’s Home Listed as ‘Beneficiary Address’ for Hunter Payment

The first impeachment inquiry hearing of President Joe Biden is underway on Thursday in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

During the hearing, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Kentucky Republican, said Biden “abused” his public office for his “family’s financial gain.” Comer said for years Biden has “lied” to the American people about not speaking to his family about foreign business dealings.

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Second GOP Presidential Debate Was Sloppy, At Times Chaotic, Ultimately Forgettable, Critics Say

Wednesday evening’s chaotic GOP presidential primary debate at times felt more like an episode of “Jersey Shore” than a showcase of the best and brightest minds in conservative politics.

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Second GOP Presidential Debate Turns Into a Rhetorical Brawl as Candidates Jockey for Position in Trump-Dominated Race

In a second GOP presidential debate that often seemed more like a disorderly reality TV show, the Babylon Bee’s satirical news headline may have best captured the mood of viewers: ‘Mute Button’ Wins GOP Debate.

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Number of Illegal Migrants in Border Patrol Custody Surges to New High

The number of illegal migrants in Border Patrol custody nationwide surpassed 22,000 on Tuesday evening, according to internal Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Border Patrol across all sectors had almost 17,000 illegal migrants in custody on the evening of August 10 compared to 7,696 on the evening of June 8, according to internal CBP data previously obtained by the DCNF. Additionally, there were 8,923 migrant encounters by CBP on Monday and 7,730 illegal migrants released into the country, according to the new data.

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TikTok Employees Raise Concern over CCP Influence as China Execs Move In

Some employees at the popular social media platform TikTok are concerned about the influence the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has on the company as executives from its parent, ByteDance, take on new positions, according to The Wall Street Journal.

A number of high-level executives from ByteDance in China have taken on new roles at TikTok’s U.S. operation, with employees complaining internally that there may be greater CCP influence than what is being publicly disclosed, according to the WSJ. The China-based ByteDance is subject to CCP regulation and can be pressured by the government to hand over information that the company has collected, which has in the past raised concerns over whether American users of the app are having their data collected by the foreign government.

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Report: Jacksonville Uses Green Infrastructure to Combat Flooding

A recent report from Florida TaxWatch proposes new measures to help combat storm water runoff and reduce flooding through the use of green infrastructure.

Over the past few years, the Sunshine State has had its fair share of severe storms, as recently as August, when Hurricane Idalia made landfall in the Big Bend region of the state, causing widespread flooding to coastal towns.

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AGs Ask Supreme Court to Overrule Restrictions on Enforcing Homeless Camping Bans

A group of 20 attorneys general want the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule a lower court’s restrictions on local governments enforcing homeless camping bans.

In their petition regarding Johnson v. City of Grants Pass, the attorneys general wrote that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was wrong to prohibit state and local governments from enforcing laws that bar public spaces from being used as homeless encampments.

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DHS Stonewalls on Legal Basis for Policing ‘Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation’

The Department of Homeland Security is not only hiding the purported legal basis for its authority to police misinformation, disinformation and malinformation – the latter sometimes jeered as “true but inconvenient” – but also any explanation for invoking an unexpected Freedom of Information Act exemption to hide them.

Hastily stitched together 22 years ago to prevent another Islamic terrorist attack but since turning its sights on domestic political disputes, the agency gave Just the News a lengthy defense of its work against disinformation but not an answer to how disclosure of its “MDM Space” legal authorities would imperil law enforcement work.

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Commentary: Biden’s Margin of Error Is Gone

Comparing current polling to 2020’s results, President Joe Biden cannot win reelection in 2024. To win in 2020, Biden had to roll up a big popular-vote margin to squeak to victory in the Electoral College. If current polls are correct, or even close, Biden’s needed popular support is nonexistent. And looking at the economy, it is hard to see from where it will come.

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Report: Dr. Fauci ‘Played a Role’ in the CIA’s Cover-Up of COVID-19 Lab-Leak Origins

During the early days of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci was secretly “escorted” to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., where he worked to “influence” the agency’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19, according to new information gathered by the Republican-led Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), the chairman of the Coronavirus Committee, revealed this “concerning information” in a letter to Inspector General Christi Grimm of the ​​Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Tuesday. According to Wenstrup,  Fauci’s off-the-books visit suggests he “played a role” in the CIA’s sham review into the origins of COVID-19. Fauci at the time was the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the the White House chief medical adviser under then-President Donald Trump.

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FBI Refuses to Release Documents in Probe into Possible Nationwide Voter Registration Fraud

The FBI took over a 2020 probe into voter registration fraud that began in Michigan but has denied a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the investigation, citing an exemption in that law regarding ongoing investigations.

According to the dozens of pages of police reports from the Muskegon Police Department and Michigan State Police, a firm called GBI Strategies was under scrutiny as an organization central to alleged voter registration fraud in the 2020 presidential election. The matter was initially investigated by city and state authorities before the FBI took over. 

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