Trump Won’t Agree to Scheduled Debate Until Harris Becomes Nominee, Campaign Says

Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign said the former president won’t agree to a scheduled debate with Vice President Kamala Harris until she becomes the Democratic nominee at the convention.

President Biden won the 2024 Democratic primary before he dropped out of the race on Sunday and endorsed Harris.

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President Continues to Peddle Untrue Claims Since the Debate

Fresh off a poor first-debate performance, President Joe Biden and his campaign sought to paint GOP rival Donald Trump as a liar for his claims during the June debate. However, the president made several untrue claims of his own since the June 27 appearance.

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Pollster John McLaughlin: Biden’s Desperate Attempt to Change the Narrative Surrounding His Failed Presidency ‘Did Not Work’ During Thursday’s Debate

Long-time pollster John McLaughlin said President Joe Biden failed to change the narrative surrounding his presidency during Thursday night’s CNN debate against former President Donald Trump.

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Trump’s Debate with Biden on CNN May Backfire, Ohio’s Zawistowski Warns

Joe Biden Donald Trump

Tom Zawistowski, president of the We the People Convention, believes former President Donald Trump made a mistake in agreeing to a CNN debate against President Joe Biden.

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Trump Accepts Fourth Telemundo Debate, Rebukes Biden Camp for Their Refusal to Appear

Former President Donald Trump on Friday announced that he had agreed to participate in a fourth presidential debate with President Joe Biden and that he had accepted a Fox News proposal to hold the vice presidential debate on behalf of his as-yet-unselected running mate.

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Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘My Ideas Are a Threat to the GOP Establishment and That’s Why They’re Trying to Silence Me’

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy released a video message Tuesday in response to the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) threat to expel him from the next debate in Miami if he were to participate in an hour-long debate on Fox News against fellow Republican candidate Chris Christie.

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Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie Slam the RNC After the Organization Threatened to the Candidates for Engaging in Separate Debates

GOP presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie have spoken out against the Republican National Committee (RNC) after it was reported the group threatened to expel the candidates from participating in future RNC-organized debates.

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Second GOP Presidential Debate Was Sloppy, At Times Chaotic, Ultimately Forgettable, Critics Say

Wednesday evening’s chaotic GOP presidential primary debate at times felt more like an episode of “Jersey Shore” than a showcase of the best and brightest minds in conservative politics.

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Second GOP Presidential Debate Turns Into a Rhetorical Brawl as Candidates Jockey for Position in Trump-Dominated Race

In a second GOP presidential debate that often seemed more like a disorderly reality TV show, the Babylon Bee’s satirical news headline may have best captured the mood of viewers: ‘Mute Button’ Wins GOP Debate.

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GOP Presidential Candidates Prepare for Critical Second Debate Without Trump

If Wednesday’s second GOP presidential primary debate proves to be anything like the first, we’re in for a night of political punches and maybe a rhetorical gang fight or two as the candidates look to score points in another Trump-less bout.

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Kinder, Gentler Iowa Cattle Call of GOP Presidential Hopefuls Sees Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Haley Generate Most Buzz

The latest cattle call of GOP presidential contestants — sans former President Donald Trump — mainly maintained Iowa nice, a departure from last month’s first fiery primary debate and a similar Christian conservative event in July hosted by conservative talk show host lightning rod Tucker Carlson.

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Ramaswamy Blasts DeSantis ‘Monster PAC’ Following Report of Fake News Dirty Politics

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is blasting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and “Monster PAC” following a report exposing the political action committee\’s campaign in “spreading dirt” and “misstatements” about the poll-rising Ramaswamy.

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GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Rides Debate Momentum to Second Place in New Poll

Ohio biotech entrepreneur and GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has overtaken Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for second place in the Republican Party nomination chase, surging several points since last week’s debate, according to internal polling.

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GOP Presidential Candidates Attempt to Seize on Any Momentum They Garnered in First Debate

Every candidate declared victory after Wednesday night’s first Republican presidential debate — even some who didn’t take the stage.

But what’s next for these self-proclaimed winners on the road to the Republican Party nomination?

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Fox News Blocks Star News Network from All-Important Spin Room at Republican Presidential Debate

Fox News barred The Star News Network access to the all-important Spin Room at Wednesday’s first Republican presidential primary debate in Milwaukee, blocking access to the candidates and they’re surrogates.

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Don Jr. Says Christie’s Expected Attacks on Trump at Debate Will Do Him Little Good in Republican Presidential Race

As expected, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took some big swings at GOP presidential front-runner and former president Donald Trump Wednesday night at the first debate of the 2024 primary season.

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Despite Trump’s Absence, Plenty of Fireworks at First Republican Presidential Debate of the 2024 Season

For those who thought a Trump-less GOP presidential primary debate was doomed to be a snooze fest, the two-hour political bar brawl disabused them of that notion.

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Commentary: Trump’s Coyness on Debate Participation All Part of His Grand Strategy

Donald Trump

The first Republican primary debate of the 2024 presidential nominating cycle is set for one month from yesterday – on August 23, 2023. On that day, presumably, all major candidates for the GOP presidential nomination will assemble in Wisconsin to present their campaign pitches to the American public.

There isn’t an incumbent president in this year’s extravaganza, so it’s only natural that several hopefuls have expressed interest in a campaign. Deference is usually afforded a party president during his reelection run (as Democrats have announced there will be no debates on their side with senile Joe Biden currently in office), yet this year is different.

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GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Makes the Cut for the GOP Debates

Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy has risen in the polls to a top 5 candidate. Now the Ohio businessman and political outsider has secured a spot on the Republican National Committee debate stage.

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RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Will Not Participate in Public Debate with Challengers Harmeet Dhillon and Mike Lindell

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel reportedly declined to participate in a live, public debate with her opponents, according to POLITICO.

McDaniel, seeking a fourth term as chair, cited her “existing commitment to a forum” that the RNC will hold regarding being absent from the live debate, the outlet reported Friday.

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Commentary: Democrats Are Afraid to Debate GOP Opponents

Americans have long since come to expect debates between candidates for major public office. For many voters, these encounters provide the only opportunity to see how competing candidates comport themselves in a venue that is nominally beyond their control. In close contests, these debates can sometimes be crucial to the final outcome. Yet, as the November midterms rapidly approach, many Democrats have been extremely reluctant to meet their Republican opponents face-to-face on a debate stage. Indeed, in several high-profile contests, they have flatly refused to do so.

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Democrats Duck Debates with Pro-Trump Opponents Scorned as ‘Weak’ General Election Candidates

In races scattered across the country, Democratic candidates are shying away from debates with Trump-aligned opponents — party nominees who have been widely dismissed by media and political elites as weak general election candidates devoid of crossover appeal.

Reuters, for example, opined in late July: “Republican voters’ embrace of fringe and divisive candidates is jeopardizing the party’s goal of taking control of the U.S. Senate in November’s midterm elections, as well as winning key governors’ races.”

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Trump: If My Base Turns out to Vote for Youngkin, He Will Win Virginia Gubernatorial Race

Donald Trump sitting at desk

Former President Trump said in an interview on Saturday that Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin will win if his base turns out to vote.

“I think he’s gonna do very well,” Trump said of Youngkin on Fox News’ “Justice with Judge Jeanine”.

Trump compared former Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s comment in a debate with Youngkin, saying parents shouldn’t tell schools what to teach their children, to Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment of Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential race.

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