Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Announce $30 Million for Battleground States


The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) announced a new $30 million initiative to help Democratic candidates in Florida, and eight other battleground states, take on their Republican opponents for the 2022 general election.

According to the press release regarding the announcement, the new initiative, known as the “Defend the Majority Program” is the largest investment in on the ground field organizing ever made by the DSCC at this point in the campaign cycle.

The $30 million will be split between Florida, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. “Additional states and funding could be added as the cycle continues,” the press release states.

Funding provided to each state in the Defend the Majority Program are designed to help fund field staff, DSCC field offices, and field training programs that will try to “help increase volunteer capacity.” Additionally, the program will also help fund communications staff focused on defining GOP Senate candidates, voter protection staff part of a previously announced DSCC program known as the “Defend the Vote Program,” and lastly, “organizers focused building meaningful outreach to communities of color and specific constituencies– including Latino, Black, AAPI and younger voters.”


DSCC Chair, Senator Gary Peters (pictured above), stated in the release, “Senate Democrats are delivering for the American people — now the DSCC is making early and historic investments in order to defend and expand Democrats’ majority in 2022.” He adds, “The stakes in this election have never been higher: if Republicans take the Senate they’ll take our country backwards, and hard-working Americans will pay the price. The midterm election will be a fight for the future of our country, and we look forward to joining with organizers, voters and communities across the country to win Senate races and defend the Democratic Senate majority Americans are counting on.”

Calling for a victory among Democrats in the U.S. Senate, Executive Director of the DSCC, Christie Roberts stated, “Early, sustained organizing is how we win elections, and through our ‘Defend the Majority’ program the DSCC is building the ground game Democrats need to succeed in Senate battlegrounds across the country … Our organizing programs are starting earlier than ever before, we’re taking nothing for granted and by building meaningful relationships with voters now, we are laying the groundwork for Democrats’ victory in 2022.”

While the DSCC has only officially launched coordinated campaigns with state Democratic Parties in Arizona, New Hampshire, and Nevada; the battle for a Democrat to represent Florida in the U.S. Senate and take on current U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, has already begun and could very well get a boost from the efforts made by the DSCC.

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Casey Owens is a contributing writer for The Florida Capital Star. Follow him on Twitter at @cowensreports. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Map of USA” by Wapcaplet CC BY-SA 3.0.





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