Latino Voters in Key Swing-States Trust Trump More on Handling Immigration than Biden, Poll Shows

Donald Trump in front of border wall (composite image)

More Latino voters trust former President Donald Trump on immigration issues over President Joe Biden, according to a new poll in key swing states.

Forty-one percent of Hispanic voters trust Trump to handle immigration while only 38 percent said the same for Biden, according to a newly-released Equis poll. The survey reached out to 1,592 registered Latino voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

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Biden Posts Worst Showing in 20 Years with Absolutely Crucial Voting Bloc, Analysis Finds

Biden voters

President Joe Biden’s lead with women voters is the lowest showing Democrats have seen in 20 years, according to a recent average of polls compiled by The New York Times.

Biden’s lead among women had dipped down to single digits, which is the weakest lead Democrats have had in two decades, according to polling averages compiled by the NYT. Former President Donald Trump is leading among men in the double digits, eclipsing Biden’s lead with women and potentially jeopardizing his reelection, according to the aggregate polls.

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Trump Fumes over Fox News Poll Showing Biden Ahead

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is livid over a recent Fox News poll showing President Joe Biden with a narrow lead in the 2024 presidential election.

The survey showed Biden leading Trump 50% to 48% and marked a 3% shift from the May poll in which Trump led 49% to 48%. Conducted June 14-17, the survey questioned 1,095 registered voters and has a margin of sampling error of +/- 3%.

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Senate Passes Major Pro-Nuclear Bill, Sends to Biden’s Desk

Sen Shelley Moore Capito and Rep Jeff Duncan (composite image)

The Senate passed a major piece of pro-nuclear energy legislation on Tuesday, sending the bill to President Joe Biden’s desk.

The legislature’s upper chamber passed the Fire Grants and Safety Act — a bill containing the text of the pro-nuclear ADVANCE Act — by a strong 88-2 bipartisan vote. The bill represents one of the most significant efforts undertaken in recent years by Congress to spur the country’s nuclear energy infrastructure and capacity, as well as a rare moment of consensus among both Democrats and Republicans on energy policy through Biden’s first term in office.

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Biden Announces Widespread Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants

President Joe Biden announced a new plan on Tuesday that will fast track a path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who’ve been living in the country illegally for more than 10 years and married a U.S. citizen. He also expanded protections for DACA recipients, according to several reports.

In a statement issued by the White House, the president blamed Republicans in Congress for not securing the border and fixing the “broken immigration system.”

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Experts Warn that Democrats Are Keeping the Southern Border Insecure for Political Gain

SEAC at Southern Border

Republicans and several border patrol experts say that President Joe Biden’s open border policies are politically motivated and are an attempt to get more voters for the 2024 election.

“It’s part of what the Democrats want,” Congressman Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said on a joint AMAC and Just the News Special aired on Real America’s Voice. “The hard left that controls the Democratic Party today is okay with rigging elections. That’s one more way to rig an election.”

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Less than 30 Percent of Americans Approve of Biden’s Handling on Immigration, Poll Finds

Illegal Immigrants

Less than half of Americans approve of President Joe Biden’s handling on immigration, a new survey found.

Only 29% of Americans said they approve of the president’s handling of immigration, according to an Economist/YouGov poll released Wednesday. Conversely, more than 60% of respondents said they disapproved of his handling of the issue, and among those, 47% said they strongly disapproved.

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Biden Keeps Digging U.S. Deeper And Deeper Into Ukraine-Sized Hole

Presiden Joe Biden with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President Joe Biden struck a major agreement with Ukraine this week that builds on his administration’s push to involve the U.S. in the nation’s security, further expanding Washington’s commitments to Kyiv.

Biden attended the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy this week and signed a deal with Ukraine, which includes a 10-year commitment to Ukraine’s defenses and fast-track its eventual accession to NATO. The deal underscores Biden’s growing number of commitments and promises to Kyiv, including loosening weapons restrictions and providing billions in aid, as the U.S. becomes more involved in the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.

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Voters Lack Confidence Kamala Harris can Become President

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris has a fight on her hands if she wants to inherit the Democratic presidential mantle after President Joe Biden’s time is over, according to a new poll.

The Politico/Morning Consult poll shows that voters have serious doubts about Harris’ electability.

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Commentary: The Dangerous Consequences of an Open Border

Illegal Migrants

On a quiet Friday morning on May 3, two men posing as subcontracted Amazon drivers pulled their truck up to the main gate entering Quantico Marine Base in Virginia.

The men did not present approved access credentials and had no affiliation with the base. They claimed they were making a delivery to the post office.

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Hunter Biden Still Has Legal Troubles Ahead as House Republicans Call for More Accountability

Hunter Biden in courtroom (composite image)

Though Hunter Biden was found guilty Tuesday on federal gun charges – on crimes dating back to 2018 – the first son’s legal troubles are far from over, and House Republicans leading impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden, say this should be only the beginning of the accountability.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said in a statement following the conviction that his client’s legal team “will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter.”

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Biden’s Ambitious EV Charging ‘Fantasy’ May Be on a Collision Course with Reality

President Biden observing EV charing station demonstration

President Joe Biden has pledged to install 500,000 public electric vehicle (EV) chargers around the U.S. by 2030, but logistical hurdles may be too much to overcome.

The Biden administration landed $7.5 billion to build out a network of public EV charging stations around the country in the bipartisan infrastructure package of 2021, but those funds have only led to a handful of operational charging stations to date. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg reaffirmed the administration’s goal to build 500,000 chargers with the money by 2030 during a May television appearance on CBS News, but challenges like adding transmission lines, navigating the permitting process and coordinating with utility companies figure to make the goal improbable.

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Commentary: The Left Brands Conservatives ‘Haters’ for Daring to Question Woke Cultural Supremacy


Wokeness is impossible to escape. Everywhere you turn, you see rainbow flags, Black Lives Matter signs, or calls for “diversity and inclusion.” Companies force DEI trainings on staff. FBI agents march in Pride parades. Teachers tell kids in school that they are oppressors or oppressed based on their skin color. Target stores sell transgender swimsuits and Bud Light teams up with a grown man who acts like a little girl. Even Buzz Lightyear and “Star Wars” have gone woke.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is falling all over itself to push transgender pronouns, to promote drag queens, and to celebrate Pride—even on Easter Sunday!

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Full-Time Jobs Vanish While Americans Race to Take Up Part-Time Work

Americans took up part-time jobs in huge numbers in May as full-time jobs evaporate under President Joe Biden’s economy, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released Friday.

There were around 133.3 million people employed in the U.S. in May with full-time jobs, 625,000 less than the month before, while the number of people employed in part-time jobs surged by 286,000 to just over 28 million, according to the BLS. The total number of American workers collapsed by 408,000 as a result of the loss in part-time jobs to 161 million.

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Biden Threatens Veto of Veteran Funding over Abortion, LGBT Provisions

riginal Montford Point Marines stand for the National Anthem

U.S. House Republicans passed legislation Wednesday to fund the Department of Veterans Affairs and military construction, but a battle over abortion, sexuality and other issues may sink the bill.

The Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025 features $378.644 billion in spending. 

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Internal Guidance Reveals How Biden’s Immigration Order is Ripe for Exploitation by Illegal Immigrants

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents with a line of asylum seekers

There are a litany of ways illegal immigrants can get around President Joe Biden’s new executive order and avoid removal, according to internal guidance obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday to limit illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border by temporarily suspending the entry of foreign nationals if the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over a one-week time period. However, an internal memo by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows there are many ways asylum seekers can exploit the order.

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Vast Majority of Small Business Owners Worried Biden’s Economy Will Force Them to Close

A large portion of small business owners are concerned about their future amid wider financial stress under President Joe Biden, according to a new poll from the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Around 67 percent of small business owners were worried that current economic conditions could force them to close their doors, ten percentage points higher than just two years ago, according to the JCNF’s monthly small business poll. Respondents’ perceptions of economic conditions for their own businesses fell slightly in the month, from 70.2 to 68.1 points, with 100 points being the best possible business conditions, while perceptions of national conditions increased from 50.4 to 53.2 points.

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House GOP Vows Consequences for Government Weaponization with Budget Cuts, Criminal Referrals

Another powerful House chairman struck closer to President Joe Biden, vowing to send a criminal referral asking asking prosecutors to charges first son Hunter Biden with lying to Congress.

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Israel Ministers Threaten to Quit Over Ceasefire, Official Says Biden’s Description ‘Not Accurate’

Top Israeli ministers are threatening to quit, which would cause the government coalition to collapse, if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agrees to President Joe Biden’s cease-fire proposal. A senior Israeli official said that Biden’s description of the cease-fire proposal, which he unveiled Friday, was “not accurate,” NBC News reported Monday.

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Analysis: 89 Percent of Independents Say Trump Conviction Makes Them Either More Likely to Support Trump or No Difference

Donald Trump

15 percent of independents said that the New York City of conviction would make them more likely to support former President Donald Trump in 2024 election against incumbent President Joe Biden, with only 11 percent saying it would make them less likely, an NPR-Marist poll taken May 21 to May 23 shows. 74 percent said it would make no difference.

In addition, the poll had 10 percent of Republicans saying the conviction would make them less likely to vote for Trump if convicted and 7 percent of Democrats saying more likely to vote for Trump, a +3 percent advantage for Biden.

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CNN to Run Commercials During June Presidential Debates, Breaking From Tradition

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Presidential debates have traditionally run commercial free, but CNN reportedly plans to break from that tradition during its scheduled June 27 live debate.

The cable news network plans to run commercial breaks during the scheduled June 27 debate, according to the entertainment magazine Variety, citing unnamed sources.

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RFK Jr Predicts Trump’s Guilty Verdict Will Help Him Return to White House

Robert F. Kennedy and Donald Trump

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thursday said he expects that former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in his hush money case will actually help the former president get elected in November.

Kennedy, who has launched a dark horse bid for the White House, said the Democratic plan to “go after” Trump in court will backfire at the ballot box. Trump was found guilty by a New York jury on Thursday, on all 34 felony counts of falsifying his business records to hide an alleged hush money payment to former porn star Stormy Daniels.

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Ohio Legislature Approves Bill to Secure Biden’s Spot on the November Ballot

Joe Biden Ohio

The Ohio legislature on Friday approved legislation to ensure that President Joe Biden will appear on the state’s general election ballot this November.

“I don’t think anybody on this side of the aisle really feels like they’re going to be voting for President Biden, but at the same time, Ohioans deserve a choice in this election, and that’s what we’re seeking to give them today,” GOP state Sen. Rob McColley said, according to NBC News.

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U.S. Economic Growth in First Quarter Worse than Previously Thought

Jerome Powell and Joe Biden (composite image)

The U.S. economy grew less than previously thought in the first quarter of 2024 amid a slowdown in consumer spending, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) announced Thursday.

Gross domestic product (GDP) was revised down in the first quarter from 1.6 percent to 1.3 percent year-over-year in a sign that the economy is not as strong as initial estimates indicated, according to a release from the BEA. Economists originally expected growth in the first quarter to be around 2.2 percent, more in line with the above trend growth seen in the third and fourth quarters of 2023, which were 4.9 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively.

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New Report Details Just How Much Regulations Under Biden Have Cost Average Americans

Joe Biden

The Biden administration has set in motion a wave of new regulations that have already cost the U.S. more than $1 trillion, which equates to thousands of dollars per family, according to a new report from the Job Creators Network.

There have been $1.6 trillion in costs imposed from a total of 923 new federal regulations that have been finalized under President Joe Biden, with $1.2 trillion of those being put in place in just the past few months, according to the JCN. In just the first two years of the Biden administration, new regulations are estimated to have led to an average of almost $10,000 in added future and present costs to American households, which could jump to $60,000 if the trend continues across a two-term presidency.

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Home Prices Under Biden Hit Yet Another All-Time High

Home prices surged in March to another all-time high for the sixth month out of the last twelve, S&P Global announced Tuesday.

The Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, which measures home prices across the entire country, rose 6.5 percent year-over-year in March, matching the annual gain in February, according to S&P Global. The increase in the price of homes is higher than the general pace of inflation, which increased 3.4 percent year-over-year in April.

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Biden Environmental Agenda Under Fire for Increasing Costs for Americans

James Comer and Joe Biden

The Biden administration’s energy policies are increasingly costly for Americans, a newly released report says.

U.S. House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., released the report, which argues Biden’s energy policies have increased costs for Americans and hurt the economy.

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Biden’s Health Department Looks to Push Equity Requirements on Transplant Lists

Joe Biden and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is looking to push equity requirements on hospitals providing kidney transplants, according to a recent proposal.

The proposal, announced May 8, will help President Joe Biden’s administration’s plan to address “racial bias” when it came to wait times and “profiteering and inequity” by transplant hospitals, Secretary Xavier Becerra said in the press release. HHS’ proposal would incentivize hospitals to prioritize low-income patients via a point system and create “health equity” plans to address patient gaps.

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Commentary: Latest Alito Flag ‘Scandal’ Shows How the Left Thinks being an American is Un-American

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

Appealing to heaven is “provocative,” says The New York Times.

The Times reported Wednesday that—gasp—Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an “Appeal to Heaven” flag last year at his vacation home in New Jersey.

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Illegal Immigration Under Biden Has Contributed to Housing Shortage, Experts Say

Illegal Immigrants

The surge of illegal immigration under President Joe Biden has exacerbated an already costly housing market for average Americans by worsening a shelter shortage, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The U.S. currently has an estimated shortage of 4 million to 7 million homes as developers struggle to keep up with demand amid harsh financial conditions and burdensome regulatory processes, according to Pew Charitable Trusts. Average Americans looking for a home are being squeezed by rising housing costs due to inflation and elevated mortgage rates, but the recent influx of illegal immigrants is putting even more stress on the system by aggravating the current shortage of supply in the housing market at a rate that developers can’t keep up with, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.

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Latest Polling Shows Third-Party Candidates Hurting Biden in Crucial Swing States

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other third-party candidates appear to be hurting President Joe Biden — and boosting former President Donald Trump — when on the ballot in four key battleground states, a poll released Thursday found.

Trump’s leads grow against Biden among likely voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina when Kennedy, independent Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are on the ballot, according to The Cook Political Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group survey. The margins between Trump and Biden don’t change in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in a five-way race, while the former president’s nine-point lead drops by one point in Nevada.

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Republican Governors Sign Letter Opposing WHO Treaty

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (composite image)

The Republican governors of two dozen states, including Georgia and South Carolina, penned a letter to President Joe Biden opposing the World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Agreement,” which they said could “undermine national sovereignty” and states’ rights.

The state executives argue the treaty “would seek to elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health.” They contend the proposed accord could also allow the WHO to establish “a global surveillance infrastructure” and force participants to censor free speech.

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New Bill Would Have Exposed Alleged Conflicts in Biden, Trump Presidencies

President Joe Biden and Donald Trump (composite image)

Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have faced ongoing ethics questions in recent years, but a new bill seeks to bring any such problems to the surface much sooner.

A new bipartisan piece of legislation would require presidents and vice presidents to disclose gifts received, conflicts of interest, foreign financial dealings and more ethical gray areas within two years of taking office.

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Trump Fundraising Surges, Outraising Biden by $25 Million, Even as Trial Limits His Campaigning

Donald Trump

Amid an ongoing criminal trial that has largely limited his ability to campaign in-person, former President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee managed to out-fundraise President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee by a hefty margin in April.

Collectively, Trump and the RNC raised $76 million last month, including $50.5 million raised at a single event in Florida. By contrast, President Joe Biden and the DNC managed to raise a combined $51 million over the same period.

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Prosecution Exhibit List Gives Roadmap of Hunter Biden Trial with References to Influence Scheme

Hunter Biden in courtroom (composite image)

Hundreds of documents and records set to be included as exhibits in Hunter Biden’s California tax trial are designed to prove he violated U.S. tax law, but also include significant evidence previously reported by Just the News and others showing how the younger Biden received millions from foreign sources and which pointing to Joe Biden’s involvement in those deals.

The list, submitted in court by Special Counsel David Weiss, includes several tax documents to bolster the focus of his case, namely, that Hunter Biden’s wrongdoing is centered on tax violations.

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Commentary: A Corrupt Establishment Demands a Loyalty Oath

A memo must have gone out. Because in several prominent newspapers, the same propaganda appeared at nearly the same time.

The Washington Post said, “Top Republicans, led by Trump, refuse to commit to accept 2024 election results.” The New York Times similarly intoned, “Leading Republicans have refused to say flatly that they will accept the outcome of the presidential election if Donald Trump loses.” Rolling Stone chastised a former presidential candidate: “Tim Scott Embraces Trump’s Election Denialism, Won’t Commit to Accept Results.”

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Experts Divided on Biden’s New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden’s new student loan forgiveness plan has legal experts divided, with some citing similar problems to his previous plan struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Biden administration’s Saving on a Valuable Education Plan is an income-based student loan repayment plan that provides full loan forgiveness in certain cases.

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Julie Kelly Commentary: The Audacity of Merrick Garland

FBI agents last week arrested a man from Maine for his involvement in the events of January 6. According to a Department of Justice press release, Lincoln Deming spent about 30 minutes inside the building after entering through an open door with Capitol Police standing by. Deming faces numerous charges including civil disorder and the dreaded “parading” in the Capitol misdemeanor.

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Lawmakers to Grill Biden’s Energy Secretary Over Energy Costs, Regulations

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

Lawmakers will grill President Joe Biden’s Energy Secretary at a newly announced oversight hearing scheduled for Thursday.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is expected to face lawmakers for questions amid elevated gas prices, a depleted strategic petroleum reserve, and ongoing criticism of Biden’s energy policies.

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Biden’s Signature Bills are Pumping Billions into Swing States as 2024 Elections Draw Near

President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden’s signature pieces of legislation are routing billions of dollars into swing states, but pundits are not convinced that the money will make much difference in November’s elections.

The bipartisan infrastructure law of 2021, the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have cumulatively routed billions of dollars to battleground states over the course of Biden’s first term. The Biden campaign is running swing state ads to promote the funding and projects that Biden’s legislative agenda has created, but state and national pundits told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the benefits are unlikely to be a decisive factor in states like Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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Americans are Getting Poorer While Prices Keep Going Up


Americans’ real weekly earnings dropped sharply in April and still remain well below their level when President Joe Biden first took office, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Real average weekly earnings fell to $1,191.93 in April, declining by 0.4% in the month and 4.8% compared to the start of Biden’s term in January 2021, according to data calculated by the Daily Caller News Foundation from the BLS. Prices have risen over 19% since Biden first took office and 3.4% in the last year, degrading the value of Americans’ wages.

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Poll: Three in Four Fear Artificial Intelligence Abuse in Presidential Election

Election results on a mobile phone screen

More than 3 in 4 Americans fear abuses of artificial intelligence will affect the 2024 presidential election, and many are not confident they can detect faked photos, videos or audio.

AI & Politics ’24, led by Lee Rainie and Jason Husser at Elon University, found 78 percent believe it is likely artificial intelligence will be abused to impact the outcome between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. There are 39 percent who believe artificial intelligence will hurt the election process, and just 5 percent believe it will help.

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Biden Invokes Executive Privilege to Prevent Release of Recording with Special Counsel Hur

President Joe Biden on Thursday claimed the recording of his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his retention of classified documents should not be released due to executive privilege just hours before House Republicans were set to move toward holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for not releasing the recordings.

The Justice Department’s Legal Counsel Office said the recording should be considered protected by executive privilege, and Garland should not be punished for not releasing it, Associate Attorney General Carlos Uriatre said.

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Tariff Proponents Say U.S. Needs Trade Fairness, but Critics Warn Costs of American Goods Will Rise

Construction site

President Joe Biden held a press conference Tuesday extolling the tariffs on Chinese products — including steel, aluminum, electric vehicles, solar panels and semiconductors — he is rolling out. The president argued that China aggressively subsidizes the products America imports, which makes it difficult for U.S. businesses to compete.

“Back in 2000, when cheap steel from China began to flood the market, U.S. steel towns across Pennsylvania and Ohio were hit hard,” Biden said.

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Commentary: The Biden Reelection Strategy

Joe Biden polls at or below 40 percent approval. Historically, such unpopularity has made it almost impossible for a president to be reelected.

His age advances by the hour. His voice falters, his memory fades, and his gait is reduced to short steps, with his arms, winglike and in tandem, offering balance.

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As Trump’s Trial Sucks Up Air Time, Hunter Biden Could Be Hurtling Toward Multiple Felony Convictions

Hunter Biden in courtroom (composite image)

Just a few hours south of the Manhattan courthouse where Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s team is attempting to secure a guilty verdict in the first criminal trial of a former president, another high-profile trial is slated to begin this summer. That trial could also deliver a seismic verdict ahead of the 2024 election: a felony conviction for President Joe Biden’s son.

For weeks, the Manhattan courthouse has served as the de-facto center of Trump’s campaign as he dispatches daily remarks to press in the hallway ahead of entering the courtroom, where he is required to stay for the duration of the trial proceedings. While Trump’s trial has dominated headlines with salacious witness testimony, a gag order that prevents Trump from responding to political attacks by witnesses and an unclear central charge that has led many to criticize Bragg for bringing the case at all, Hunter Biden will face his own trial on felony gun charges next month.

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Commentary: At WNBA Ceremony, Biden Urges America to Support the Women’s Sports He’s Destroying

WNBA event at the White House featuring the players for the Las Vegas Aces

In previous years, people might have missed the irony. But not now—not after the meteoric rise of women’s basketball.

When the WNBA champs visited the White House last week, reporters didn’t cover it out of obligation. They covered it because it was a real story. And President Joe Biden’s betrayal of girls sports only made it more of one.

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Biden White House Keeps Telling Whoppers and Even the Legacy Media has Started to Notice

President Joe Biden has long had a history of telling bizarre, incomprehensible narratives while attempting to relate to his audiences. He has also, repeatedly, reiterated long-debunked stories such as the nature of his son’s death, his alleged arrest as a civil rights marcher and even his claim to have been a truck driver.

But he and the White House have further taken to regularly misrepresenting statistics when discussing the performance of the U.S. economy, an issue on which he faces considerable scrutiny from the public and scores poorly in many polls.

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Inflation Stays High as Rising Prices Continue to Squeeze Americans

Grocery Shopping

Inflation ticked down slightly year-over-year in April but still remained high as rising prices continue to take a toll on average Americans’ finances, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) release on Tuesday.

The consumer price index (CPI), a broad measure of the prices of everyday goods, increased 3.4% on an annual basis in April and 0.3% month-over-month, compared to 3.5% in March, according to the BLS. Core CPI, which excludes the volatile categories of energy and food, remained higher, rising 3.6% year-over-year in April, compared to 3.8% in February.

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