Six Democrats Join Republicans to Pass Resolution Condemning Harris’ Performance as ‘Border Czar’

Kamala Harris in front of illegal immigrants at border wall (composite image)

There were six Democrats who joined Republicans in the House to pass a resolution “strongly condemning” Vice President Kamala Harris, now the top 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, for her performance as the border czar.

The resolution, introduced by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., the House Republican conference chair, formally condemns Harris and the Biden administration for failing to “secure the U.S. border.” The resolution notes that there have been about 9.7 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide since January 2021.

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House Weaponization/Intel Committee Report: High-Ranking CIA Officials Colluded with Team Biden to Mislead Voters Ahead of 2020 Election

Former CIA COO Andrew Makridis

The highest officials within the CIA signed off on the politically-charged public statement released by 51 former intelligence officials weeks before the 2020 election, newly obtained internal CIA emails and testimonial evidence show.

The signatories, some of whom were on the CIA payroll at the time, had asserted that the vile and incriminating contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the hallmarks” of Russian disinformation. Both the Biden campaign and the corporate media used the bogus statement to blunt a potentially explosive scandal that could have ended Biden’s bid for the presidency, if reported on accurately.

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Trump’s VP Search Heats Up as Campaign Reportedly Requests Documents from Burgum, Vance, and Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio, Gov. Doug Burgum, and Senator JD Vance in front of an American Flag (composite image)

“Gov. Burgum from North Dakota has been incredible. Marco Rubio has been great. J.D. Vance has been great. We’ve had so many great people out there,” Trump says

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is starting to formally request information from possible running mates including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sens. Marco Rubio and J.D. Vance.

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Chinese Companies are Reportedly Camouflaging Themselves as U.S. Brands to Dodge Government Blacklist

Hesai Headquarters

A number of blacklisted Chinese companies have reportedly disguised themselves as American to operate inside the U.S. and evade penalties, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The U.S. government has taken several steps to crack down on Chinese firms that have been linked to the Chinese Communist Party and identified as potential threats to national security. But companies of concern, including Hesai Group, SZ DJI Technologies, BGI Group, Huawaei and ByteDance have operated or worked with American-based companies to sell products and services inside the U.S. without penalty, according to the WSJ.

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Elevated Inflation, Poor GDP Growth Raise Concerns

Grocery store prices

Federal data released Friday showed that inflation remains elevated. The figures came out on the heels of other data showing the U.S. Gross Domestic Product underperformed in the first quarter of this year.

Both the inflation and GDP data points raised concerns among economists and renewed criticism of President Joe Biden among Republicans.

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From Trump to Congress, Hamas Attacks on Israel Boomerang on Biden and His Iran Policy

President Joe Biden’s decision to reward Iran with $6 billion in unfrozen assets is coming under withering criticism after Tehran-backed Hamas militants unleashed an unprovoked deadly attack on Israel that generated condemnation worldwide.

The political peril for the 46th president, who has banked his foreign policy in part on an effort to woo Iran into a new nuclear deal, was apparent from the campaign trail to the marble halls of Congress within hours of Saturday’s unprovoked and unprecedented attack on Israel.

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The House GOP Effort to Defund ‘Wokeness’

Through executive orders and budget requests, the Biden administration has sought to embed “diversity, equity, and inclusion” principles across the entirety of the federal government – and in turn to touch the lives of every American. Now members of the Republican House majority, who see this whole-of-government effort as a woke assault on America and its core values, are working to combat it using the power of the purse.

In a series of letters to House appropriations leaders, Rep. Jim Banks and like-minded colleagues have identified and called for the defunding of all “‘woke’ programs and initiatives that are rooted in discrimination and promote far-left ideology in the federal government” in 2024 spending bills.

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GOP to Go on Offensive, Portray Jan. 6 Probe as ‘Unconstitutional and Illegitimate’

As Democrats ramp up hearings and secure a second Trump advisor’s arrest for contempt, Republicans are finally launching a counteroffensive to the Jan. 6 committee designed to portray the investigation as “unconstitutional and illegitimate” and to put a focus on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s failures in protecting the Capitol.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., the third ranking lead in the House gave a preview of the strategy during a radio interview with Breitbart News on Saturday.

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