Publix Announces It Will Not Distribute COVID-19 Vaccine to Children

The grocery store chain Publix has announced that it will not be distributing COVID-19 vaccines to children under the age of five at any of its pharmacies, despite the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) demanding that children get the vaccine.

The Daily Caller reports that the chain, which is based in Florida, declined to explain the reasoning behind its decision for the time being. Publix is one of the largest grocery store chains in the United States, and its decision against distributing the vaccine stands in contrast to its competitors such as Walmart, who have already bent to the will of the CDC on vaccine distribution.

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Commentary: Biden Is Nowhere to Be Found After Unleashing Total Chaos at the Southern Border

I was at the border just this week. If President Joe Biden cared, he’d be there too. His Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quietly released its latest batch of catastrophic border numbers.

More than 239,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended in May — the highest monthly total in DHS history. Taking a step back, this means a shocking 3.5 million illegal immigrants have now crossed into the U.S. since Biden took office. This is not normal, nor is it accidental. It is a cataclysmic destruction of our sovereign borders at the expense of the American people.

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Individuals Call for Assassination of Justice Clarence Thomas after Roe v. Wade Ruling

Individuals have been calling on social media for the assassination of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after he issued a separate concurring opinion on Friday in a ruling that struck down Roe v. Wade. Abortion activists have also published his home address, and others have called to burn down the Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned two landmark abortion cases, Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, returning the legality of abortion to the states. Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority and Justice Thomas wrote a solo concurring opinion in which he argued that the Supreme Court should also reconsider rulings on contraception, same-sex relationships and marriage.

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Donald Trump Slams Peggy Noonan, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg: ‘Nasty, Jealous, Not Smart’

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday slammed conservatives who do not align with the MAGA movement, including former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan and The Dispatch cofounder Jonah Goldberg, as “shortsighted ‘losers'” who “have no idea what the MAGA movement is.”

Posting on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump first took aim at Noonan, a Wall Street Journal columnist and former speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan.

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Commentary: America Needs a Red Flag Law For Senile Senators

America’s geriatric senators increasingly represent a threat to themselves and to others. Take Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) for example. She has filed paperwork to run again in 2024, despite the fact she turns 90 next year and associates say she can’t hold a coherent conversation or remember the names of close colleagues.

This is a woman who has the power to vote to send Americans to war. Just this past spring, she helped pass legislation that sent billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, a country currently at war with a nuclear power. America’s senators have enormous power to harm the country. They have access not just to firearms but to the world’s most powerful military force and even nuclear weapons.

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Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Charged in Connection with DUI

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul was charged Thursday with two alcohol-related misdemeanors after a driving collision in May that led to his arrest, according to the Napa County District Attorney’s office.

Pelosi was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol with injury and driving with a .08% blood alcohol level or higher causing injury, the district attorney’s office said Thursday in a press release. The lawmaker’s husband, a venture capitalist living in San Francisco, was arrested and taken to the Napa County Detention Center in late May.

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Commentary: The Myth of the Boomer Bogeyman

How often the youngsters use the Boomer—sometimes, BOOMER!—when airing their grievances. Maybe they’ve created a keyboard shortcut to spit out “Boomer” with two strokes instead of six. Shift-plus-something or other. Perhaps one of them can show this Boomer how to work this consarn machine.  

What you hear these days, and you hear it all the time, is that the Boomers are the root of all our ills. In January, when Neil Young demanded that Spotify defenestrate Joe Rogan or else lose the Young catalog, writer Declan Leary said Young made his announcement with “boomer sincerity.” Maybe there is a unique Boomer form of sincerity, and maybe Young has it, but one thing Young is not is a Boomer. He was born in 1945. Neil Young belongs to the so-called Silent Generation.

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Doctors Question Kids’ Vax as U.K. Research Shows Minuscule COVID-19 Risk

The quality of evidence for the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months is drawing scrutiny from high-profile doctors and academics, some of whom are asking the White House not to pressure parents to vaccinate.

With CDC seroprevalence data from February finding 75% of minors had natural immunity, more attention is going to the risk/benefit calculation of vaccines for the age group at lowest risk from COVID.

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26 Attorneys General Urge Supreme Court to Reverse California’s Agricultural Animal Confinement Law

Attorneys general from 26 states are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a lower-court decision upholding a California law banning the raising or importing pork, veal or eggs if the animals are confined.

The Supreme Court announced on March 28 that it would hear the pork industry’s challenge to California’s Proposition 12, a law restricting confinement practices in animal agriculture. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments on Oct. 11.

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CBP Officers Seize Enough Fentanyl to Kill over 12 Million People

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the California-Mexico border recently made a single seizure of fentanyl with the potential to kill over 12 million people.

CBP officers stationed at the Calexico West Port of Entry searched a vehicle on June 6 coming in from Mexico, finding 43 packages of blue pills containing fentanyl hidden in the car’s gas tank, according to a Tuesday press release.

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Christian Student Silenced by School Receives Settlement

A college student will receive a massive settlement from his school after it tried to silence him from speaking about his faith, according to a Wednesday press release from Alliance Defending Freedom.

Georgia Gwinnett College settled with Chike Uzuegbunam for $80,000 six years after the lawsuit was first filed, which alleged that the school repeatedly denied him the right to speak about his Christian faith to other students, the press release said.

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Citing Crime, Chicago’s Richest Man to Move $22 Billion Company to Florida

Ken Griffin, Chicago’s richest man and founder of the hedge-fund Citadel, recently announced in a letter to employees that his company would be relocating to Miami.

“I am excited to share with you that Citadel is moving its global headquarters to Miami,” the letter read. “Miami is a vibrant, growing metropolis that embodies the American Dream. I am excited to have recently moved to Miami with my family and look forward to rapidly expanding Citadel in a city so rich in diversity and abounding with energy.”

Griffin’s decision comes less than a year after he told an audience at the Economic Club of Chicago that he was considering moving the business because of crime in the city.

A report indicated that over the past five years, using per capita information, that Chicago far outpaced Miami in homicides, sexual assaults, and robberies, while Miami outpaced Chicago in aggravated battery.

Griffin, 53, is originally from Daytona Beach, and went to high school in Boca Raton, but founded Citadel in Chicago 30 years ago. Griffin has been a frequent critic of rising crime in Chicago, and that appears to be a factor in the decision to move Citadel to Miami.

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