Lawmakers Demand Attorney General Merrick Garland ‘Conduct Comprehensive Investigation’ into Deaths of Five Late-Term Babies Aborted in Washington, DC

House Pro-Life Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) led 69 members of Congress in a letter Friday that calls on Attorney General Merrick Garland to “conduct a comprehensive investigation” into the deaths of five late-term babies, apparently aborted in Washington, DC, to determine whether federal crimes were committed by the abortionist.

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Commentary: The Scandal Obama Still Won’t Acknowledge

Barack Obama has long bragged about his supposedly scandal-free presidency, a claim that conveniently ignores a host of ethical problems, from Hunter Biden profiting off access to Obama’s White House to the IRS harassing conservative activists. But the biggest scandal of Obama’s presidency is still coming into focus: his administration’s spying on a political opponent, Donald Trump, based on nothing more than a dirty trick deployed by Obama’s former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

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New Jersey to Require Youngest Students to Be Indoctrinated in Gender Ideology

New Jersey will begin teaching its youngest students this fall that it is “normal” to “feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘girl’ parts.”

In June 2020, New Jersey LGBTQ activists, including abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood – now the second largest provider of transgender hormone treatments in the nation – praised Democrats for approving sex ed standards that indoctrinate young elementary students into the dogma that the science of biological sex is subservient to activist-invented gender ideology.

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‘Gasoline Misery Index’ Details Direct Impact of Record-High Gas Prices

The “Gasoline Misery Index” from the Metro Business Daily Network details the direct impact record-high gas prices have had on consumers across the United States.

Since President Joe Biden took office, prices of gas and other goods and services have continued to increase, as many peaked after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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Commentary: Another January 6 Narrative Goes Boom

Large group of people storming Washington D.C. in protest on January 6.

How does a mob “illegally storm” the Capitol building when police let them in? That is the latest narrative-shifting question the media wants desperately to avoid after a federal judge on Wednesday found a January 6 defendant not guilty for his conduct during the protest at the Capitol that day. 

Matthew Martin was arrested in Santa Fe, New Mexico on April 22, 2021; he later was charged with the four most common misdemeanors related to the Justice Department’s prosecution of Capitol protesters: entering a restricted building, disorderly conduct, violent entry, and parading in the Capitol building.

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Doctor Crashes FDA Meeting and Shares the Whistleblower Story They Ignored

A doctor “crashed” a Food and Drug Administration’s meeting with outside vaccine experts earlier this week, to share a whistleblower’s story about the data integrity issues that plagued one of Pfizer’s clinical trials.

In September of 2020, a researcher from an organization testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas, emailed a complaint to the FDA, informing the agency of the company’s dangerously shoddy research practices. The FDA took no action on her email, and Pfizer continues to use the company.

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Soros Family Continues to Support ‘Defund the Police’ Candidates

George Soros

Far-left billionaire George Soros, along with his daughter Andrea Soros Colombel, is continuing to donate to organizations that bankroll radical candidates who support defunding the police in the United States.

As reported by Fox News, the Soros family has still been donating to a joint fundraising committee that oversees multiple other PACs. The committee, called Lead The Way 2022, includes the Way to Lead PAC, the campaign committee of radical Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and the campaigns of up to 12 other far-left political candidates running for the U.S. Congress.

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Joe Biden Performed Special Favor for Hunter’s Chinese Business Partner: Report

Emails from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden reportedly reveal that Joe Biden wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of one of Hunter Biden’s business partners.

Biden, then the former Vice President, sent the letter of recommendation for Christopher Li, the son of BHR CEO Jonathan Li, directly to Dr. Christina Paxson, the president of Brown University in February 2017, Fox News reported. BHR is a Chinese investment firm of which Hunter Biden previously held a 10% stake.

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Despite Denials, Joe Biden Was Involved with Hunter’s Wheeling and Dealing

Despite denials from the White House, President Joe Biden has reportedly had contact with several of Hunter Biden’s business associates.

Biden reportedly met with his son’s business partners on multiple occasions and did other favors, both while out of office and while serving as Vice President, according to multiple reports based on emails recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop. President Biden has denied knowledge of Hunter’s business activities and has claimed his son did nothing illegal on several occasions.

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Disney Helps Employees ‘Transition’ Their Transgender Children and Themselves: Report

Disney is reportedly assisting employees and their children with sex change and “gender affirmation” procedures through the company’s benefits program.

The company’s “benefits team” is reportedly offering resources and guides to employees transitioning to the opposite gender, as well as information for employees’ children who are transitioning, according to a video shared by Manhattan Institute senior fellow Christopher Rufo.

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Florida Senators Rubio, Scott Vote ‘No’ on Brown-Jackson, Progressives Fawn

Florida’s progressive officials fawned over the recent confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson to the United States Supreme Court delighting in the first black woman being confirmed to the high court. Florida’s Senators, Marco Rubio (R) and Rick Scott (R), both voted “no” in Brown-Jackson’s final confirmation vote.

Rubio, when assessing Brown-Jackson’s judicial history, viewed her more as a political activist than a judge working within the law.

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