Watchdogs Have Long Warned About Biden’s Pay-to-Play Penn Biden Center

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement opened in 2018 as then-former Vice President Joe Biden’s “think tank.” It was founded, according to the institution, “on the principle that a democratic, open, secure, tolerant, and interconnected world benefits all Americans.” But it looks like Biden, his 2020 presidential campaign, his liberal allies, and perhaps some foreign friends have grabbed the brunt of the center’s benefits.  

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Nation Health Agency Spends Millions on Equity, LGBT Issues Instead of Researching Cures

Congress’ recent $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill increased the budget for medical research funding at the National Institutes of Health to nearly $50 billion in 2023 alone. A closer look at the agency reveals that NIH is increasingly spending its time, and funds, on equity and LGBT issues as well as “systemic racism and inequities.”

The National Institutes of Health has devoted millions of taxpayer dollars toward these kinds of issues for their research, taxpayer money that did not go to the federal health agency’s primary research goal of finding cures and medical treatments.

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Democrats Defied Twitter to Spread ‘Russian Bot’ Hoax

In the 14th installment of the Twitter Files, journalist Matt Taibbi revealed how Democrats chose to falsely accuse their opposition of being “Russian bots” even though Twitter directly disagreed with this assessment.

As reported by Fox News, shortly after then-Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes released his famous memo detailing the efforts that were undertaken to spy on the Trump campaign by intelligence agencies, high-profile Democrats began spreading the lie that Nunes’ information was being promoted by “Russian bots” on Twitter.

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‘Noncitizen Workers’ May Avoid Deportation if They Report Their Employers’ Labor Violations

The Department of Homeland Security announced on Friday that it would streamline a deferred action process for noncitizens who report labor violations so as to help them avoid deportation.

The agency hopes that the policy will help it to identify exploitative work environments by protecting those who come forward from “immigration-related retaliation from the exploitive employers,” according to a press release. DHS contends that workers often avoid reporting labor violations for fear that their employers will retaliate on the basis of their immigration status.

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Star News Network’s Kittle on Bannon’s WarRoom: No Action Taken on 2020 Complaint that Multi-Million Dollar ‘Anonymous’ Gifts from Chinese Sources to PennBiden Center Violated Federal Reporting Requirements

Friday on WarRoom: Battlefield, host Bannon welcomed National Political Editor at The Star News Network to the show to discuss the anonymous donations received by the Penn Biden Center and other higher learning institutions linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

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Florida Cracks Down on Companies That Hire Illegal Foreign Nationals, Won’t Comply with E-Verify Laws

The state of Florida is cracking down on companies that aren’t complying with E-verify laws in an attempt to ensure they aren’t hiring people who are in the country illegally, including the American National Red Cross.

The state Department of Economic Opportunity sent letters to six companies putting them on notice that if they don’t reply by Monday, January 16, their business licenses will be suspended and they won’t be able to operate in Florida.

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Commentary: Wokeness Is Hollowing Out The Fed

Are you wondering why checking out at the grocery store these days feels like making a mortgage payment? This week’s four-decade-high inflation is a direct result of the Federal Reserve taking its eye off the ball over the last two years. Instead of focusing on its mandate of keeping prices stable, it has been more concerned with financing massive federal deficits and kowtowing to liberal ideology.

But now the Fed chair is claiming just the opposite.

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Commentary: Is the Justice Department Blackmailing President Joe Biden?

by Robert Romano   In 2016, the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, Hillary Clinton, had an FBI investigation because she was storing classified information on her private server for the convenience of reading her classified emails on a smartphone. Details of the investigation came out throughout the campaign, resulting in former…

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Commentary: What the New January 6 Videos Will Show

The jury trial of Richard Barnett, the man famously photographed with his feet on a desk in Nancy Pelosi’s office on January 6, 2021, is underway in Washington, D.C. Nearly two years to the date of his arrest, Barnett finally had a chance to defend himself in court on multiple charges, including obstruction of an official proceeding.

But it was not the fiery, outspoken Barnett who provided the most jaw-dropping testimony in the trial so far. To the contrary, one of the government’s own witnesses confirmed under defense cross-examination that “agents provocateur” were heavily involved in instigating the events of January 6.

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Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion of the Christ’ Sequel, ‘Resurrection’ Set to Begin Filming Soon: Report

Mel Gibson is reportedly planning to start filming a sequel to his 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ.”

“The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection” will focus on the crucifixion and the events that Christians believe happened from Christ’s death until his resurrection, according to the entertainment outlet World of Reel. 

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Feds Borrowed $4 Billion Per Day in 2022, Totaling $10K Per Household

Federal debt soared by $1.4 trillion in 2022 as President Joe Biden and Congress approved multiple new spending packages.

The Congressional Budget Office released the final details of federal spending in 2022 showing the federal government had a $1.4 trillion deficit last year, borrowing roughly $82 billion in December alone. 

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New York Lawmakers Weigh Investigation into Jewish University over $230 Million in State Funding

New York state senators threatened an investigation Wednesday into allegations that Yeshiva University misrepresented itself to receive $230 million in state funding, according to a letter sent to the Jewish school.

Yeshiva is currently embroiled in a lawsuit regarding the school’s refusal to officially recognize the YU Pride Alliance, an LGBTQ student club, on campus due to its religious convictions. Democratic state Sens. Brad Hoylman, Liz Krueger and Toby Ann Stavisky accused Yeshiva Wednesday of misrepresenting itself as an “independent, coeducational, nonsectarian” institution in 2009 and 2011 to receive $230 million in public funding via the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) despite the university arguing that it is a “religious” organization in its lawsuit with YU Pride Alliance.

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Maine Community Votes Out School Board Members for Backing Policy to Hide Kids’ Gender Transitions

Residents of Paris, Maine, recalled two school board members on Tuesday who pushed a gender identity policy that would hide student gender transitions from parents, according to WGME News.

In a 333-243 vote, community members voted out Oxford Hills School Board Director Sarah Otterson and School Board Member Julia Lester after they supported the implementation of a gender policy that would keep a students’ transgender status a secret from their parents and allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms on the basis of gender identity, according to WGME News. The vote comes after roughly 700 residents signed a petition against the board members in November, forcing a recall vote of the two board members.

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