President Trump Tells Press Pool Fulton County Arrest a ‘Travesty of Justice’ and ‘Election Interference’

Following his processing at the Fulton County Jail, President Donald Trump briefly addressed the press pool and called the events of the day a “travesty of justice” and “election interference.”

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Post-Republican Debate Poll: Vivek Ramaswamy Deemed ‘Real Winner’

Breitbart Anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has been deemed the “real winner” of the first Republican primary debate, according to a J.L.Partners/DailyMail survey released Thursday. The survey asked registered Republicans, “Who do you think was the REAL winner of the debate?” Twenty-two percent chose Ramaswamy, followed by 21 percent who said former President…

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South Carolina Supreme Court Upholds State’s Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill

The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled Wednesday the state’s pro-life law that prohibits most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected is constitutional and may be enforced.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling marks a historic moment in our state’s history and is the culmination of years of hard work and determination by so many in our state to ensure that the sanctity of life is protected,” said Governor Henry McMaster (R) in a statement. “With this victory, we protect the lives of countless unborn children and reaffirm South Carolina’s place as one of the most pro-life states in America.”

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Fox News Blocks Star News Network from All-Important Spin Room at Republican Presidential Debate

Fox News barred The Star News Network access to the all-important Spin Room at Wednesday’s first Republican presidential primary debate in Milwaukee, blocking access to the candidates and they’re surrogates.

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Don Jr. Says Christie’s Expected Attacks on Trump at Debate Will Do Him Little Good in Republican Presidential Race

As expected, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took some big swings at GOP presidential front-runner and former president Donald Trump Wednesday night at the first debate of the 2024 primary season.

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Biden Admin Expelling Lower Percentage of Migrants to Mexico Since Trump-Era Order Ended

The Biden administration is expelling a lower percentage of migrants to Mexico compared to the month before Title 42, the Trump-era expulsion order, ended, NBC News reported Wednesday.

An average of roughly 1,000 migrants, which is about 14% of illegal migrants crossing the southern border daily in July, are being returned to Mexico each day since Title 42 ended May 11, according to NBC News. That number is down from roughly 3,000 expulsions, which is a daily average of 32% of illegal migrants, per day in April.

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Top Journal ‘Science’ Says More than 2,600 of Its Papers May Have ‘Exaggerated Claims’

Atop international science journal funded by the federal government recently acknowledged that thousands of its published research papers may contain misleading language.

More than 2,600 of the papers from “Science,” the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world’s top academic journals, were examined in depth by another research journal, “Scientometrics.” It found in a study that from 1997 to 2021, the use of “hedging” words have fallen by about 40%. 

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Florida’s Two School Choice Scholarship Programs Break Participation Record

The state of Florida says a record number of students are either participating or have applied to the state’s two school choice scholarship programs.

In a news release, Gov. Ron DeSantis stated that almost 430,000 scholarship applications had been received for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship programs.

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Commentary: Students and Teachers Are Ditching Public Schools in Droves

In 1983, the National Commission on Excellence in Education released a report titled, “A Nation at Risk,” which was an important point in the history of American education. The document used dire language, asserting that “the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a people.”

The report also stated: “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”

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Commentary: Interest Rates Are Soaring, Raising the Alarm for a Painful Reckoning for America

Someone with a million dollars of credit card debt probably wouldn’t celebrate if his interest rate skyrocketed. Yet some analysts are touting rising interest rates on America’s trillions of dollars of long-term debt as a good sign for the U.S. economy.

Are they right? Are rising long-term interest rates a good thing? Certainly not for anyone looking to secure a 30-year mortgage at two-decade-high rates. And certainly not for the federal budget. Not when America is sitting on $32.7 trillion in debt.

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School District Misled Court on Why It Banned Opt-Out for LGBTQ Lessons, Religious Groups Say

Newly revealed teacher-training materials and sworn affidavits show Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools misled the federal court hearing a lawsuit by religious families against the district’s no-exemptions policy for gender and sexuality instruction in the English Language Arts curriculum, a national Muslim group claims.

School officials in the affluent suburb bordering Washington, D.C. told a judge last month it rescinded opt-outs and parental notification this spring because of the logistical challenges created by too many families choosing to remove their children from the “Pride storybooks,” which teach children as young as 3 about sex workers, kink, drag, gender transitions and prepubescent same-sex romance.

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Chinese Workers Haven’t Been Paid for Months as Real Estate Market Crumbles

Workers for a major Chinese developer are going without pay, and job sites are going unfinished as the Chinese real estate market struggles, according to Reuters.

Country Garden, formerly China’s largest real estate developer by sales volume, is in the midst of a debt crisis indicative of the Chinese real estate industry as a whole, according to Reuters. Workers at the Country Garden Yunhe Shangyuan project site on the outskirts of the 14 million-person city of Tianjin are saying that they have not been paid for months and that construction has stopped, leaving sites unfinished.

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